
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Adding To My Personal Library

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is books I've read that I'd like to add to my personal library.  For awhile now, I've really tried to curtail my spending on books and limit myself to books I've read, loved, and could see myself reading again, so this topic is perfect for me!  Here are some of my favorites of the year that I'd love to add to my own collection:




And then these two random books:


I love the Disney princesses, and this papercut book with abridged versions of the classic movies looks gorgeous!  And I'm reading Anne of Green Gables for the first time and this hardcover version is just so pretty (besides that big Netflix sticker)!


  1. Great list! I have that edition of Anne of Green Gables and it's so pretty. I need to read some Taylor Jenkins Reid this year, I keep hearing amazing things!

  2. Very cool list! I've been hearing great stuff about Daisy Jones, but I still have to get to it on my TBR.

  3. Great list! I'd love to add Daisy, One Day in December, Unhoneymooners, and Salt to the Sea to my library. All great books! I love that edition of Anne, too. Gorgeous! I still need to read The Glass Ocean!

    1. Thanks, Christina! I think you'll love The Glass Ocean!

  4. Well, this will make Christmas shopping easy....

  5. I’m happy I was able to trade for Salt to the Sea. I love that book.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. Have you been borrowing books from the library instead of buying them? I use my local library heavily. It saves a lot of money and is more environmentally friendly. It's also a way to figure out which authors I should add to my must-buy list!

    My TTT.

    1. Yep, I almost exclusively use my library! I'd rather read the books first before I buy them!

  7. I really need to read The Unhoneymooners. I inherited my grandma's Anne of Green Gables set from her. She let me borrow all 9 books when I was a kid and I loved them.

    1. Aww, that's so sweet! I'm about halfway through the first book right now.

  8. I love that Anne of Green Gables cover. Can you ever own too many pretty editions of classic novels?

  9. Wow, I've never seen that papercut book before for Disney princesses--how gorgeous! That would be such a beautiful library addition. I'm really drawn to the cover for The Glass Ocean for some reason (and I actually got it for my mom as a gift a while back!), I'd really like to check it out!

    1. I actually saw that Disney book on Instagram and immediately had to have it! The Glass Ocean was so good, I hope you love it.

  10. Nice picks! I really liked THE GLASS OCEAN and SALT TO THE SEA. I actually JUST added RECURSION to my personal library. B&N was having a half-off blowout sale (might still be going on) where you could get new hardcovers for 50% off and I love Blake Crouch, so it was kind of a no-brainer :)

    Happy TTT!

    1. Yeah, I definitely should have taken advantage of that huge B&N sale!

  11. Recursion- wow. That was a trip. And One Day in December- nice cover. I like that art style on covers.

    1. I like that style, too, it seems to be becoming more popular.

  12. Christina Lauren have been impressing me over and over again in the past year or so. Their books have been wonderful! One Day in December made my favorites shelf. I cried a lot reading that book, but I adored it.

    1. I finally started reading Christina Lauren and have been enjoying them, too!

  13. As much as I loved Daisy Jones (and I truly did - it will be among my favorites of 2019), I still haven't bought a physical copy. The reason? Because I *loathe* the fact that it has that heinous "Reese's Book Club" sticker/label on it. Grrr! I don't know why, but that annoys me to no end so I won't buy it. LOL

    1. Haha, yes, I hate big stickers like that on books!

  14. Recursion made my list this week too. I forgot to include The Dream Daughter but would love to have that in my collection as well.

  15. These are great picks. I have The Dream Daughter but have not read it yet ): One day in December is one I want to read soon.

  16. I still need to read Recursion! And Foe looks so good! That one is going on my TBR for sure.


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