
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Christmas Book Bloggers Tag

So yes, yesterday I did a "summer" book tag, and now today I'm doing a Christmas book tag - I couldn't help it when Trish at Between My Lines created an awesome tag that's perfect for the holiday season, The Christmas Book Bloggers Tag!  I hope you have fun reading my answers, and consider yourself tagged if you'd like to participate, too!

What is your favorite Christmas scene in a book?
I love the scenes in the Harry Potter books where the kids wake up on Christmas morning and their presents are magically there.  There is just so much joy, especially for Harry who never really got gifts before.

Do you have any Christmas book traditions?
Not really, but since we've had an explosion of nieces and nephews over the last couple years, I've made it a point to get them all books for Christmas.

Do you prefer to get presents of book vouchers or books?
Vouchers are nice, but lately I've been putting together an Amazon wishlist, so I'd like to get the books I put on there!

Do you give books as presents?
Yes, especially to my niece and nephews.  There are so many cool kids book out there; it's so fun to shop for them.  But I also love giving books to adults, finding that perfect title I think they'll enjoy!

What bookish item is on your Christmas wishlist?
I'm going to go with Trish on this one and say a bookish candle.  There are so many out there to choose from, and I love scented candles.

What 3 books would you love Santa to have in his sack for you?


Fake Christmas tree or real Christmas tree?
There's something so beautiful about a real tree, and they smell amazing, but the mess of needles can be overwhelming.  I actually liked the fake tree my mom had when we were kids because it was a nice tradition to use it every year.

What's your favorite thing about Christmas?
I love everything about Christmas - the festive decorations, spending time with family, and spoiling people with gifts!

What Christmas book would you recommend?
I actually don't read many holiday-themed books, although I did read a few this year - The Afterlife of Holly Chase was a pretty fun reimagining of the classic A Christmas Carol.

What dish on your Christmas menu are you most looking forward to?
I'm not sure yet!  My mom's family is Italian, so there are often some yummy seafood dishes on Christmas Eve, and I think my husband is going to make lasagna for our get-together with his family - all good options!

When do you open your Christmas gifts?
My husband and I usually wait until Christmas morning, but sometimes we'll open one up on Christmas Eve!

What's your favorite Christmas song?
"Sleigh Ride," in all its iterations, but especially the instrumental version by the Boston Pops!

Are you dreaming of a white Christmas?
Yes, but just a little bit of snow - I don't need a blizzard!

Happy holidays!


  1. What a fun tag!! I buy my niece books too - and give her my old ones. I loved the three books you listed for Santa to bring. I agree no blizzard for Christmas but a little snow would be nice :)

    1. I'm hoping my niece will continue to love books as she gets older!

      Looks like we're going to get rain!

  2. I love everything about Christmas. Especially the food! The Christmas scenes from Harry Potter are some of my favorites.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yes, the food! I was just listening to the first Harry Potter book on audio; I loved listening to the Christmas scenes, especially when the Weasley twins tell Percy he has to eat dinner with them, not the prefects, because Christmas is for family!

  3. This is such a cute tag! I hope that you get a little bit of snow for the holidays and that you receive those books that are on your list as well. :)

  4. Oh great tag, Angela! I hope that Santa will bring you Before I Fall, it is such a great book, I loved it so much. Well, I'm a huge Lauren Oliver fan, ahah :) and lasagna... you're going to make me hungry now, ahah :)

    1. I read Before I Fall earlier this year and loved it, and now I want to add it to my library!

      Haha, the last thing I need right now is to eat more, but oh well, it's the holidays!

  5. This is such a fun tag! I may have to do this one soon too! I really enjoyed Dark Matter, but I definitely loved Pines more! I really love that scene in Harry Potter too!

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

  6. I love reading people's answers for these tags! Before I Fall is SUCH an amazing book. Lauren Oliver's best for sure! I really hope you end up receiving it :) I'm hoping for a little snow on Christmas too, but not too much lol

  7. Thanks for joining in Angela! I loved reading your answers and learning more about you. Your Christmas food sounds delicious! I just love Italian food. Ohh and all the books on your TBR are favourites of mine, I think I rated everyone of them 5 stars. Hope you get some of them!

    1. Thank you, Trish, for putting together such a fun tag!! Happy holidays!

  8. Your last answer "don´t need a blizzard" just made me laugh! You are SO right with that one. I remember the Harry Potter Christmas scene - it is pure magic.

    Best wishes & Merry Christmas
    Vi @Inkvotary

    1. Haha, it's so true! We have places to go all Christmas weekend - I don't want to get snowed in! Merry Christmas, Vi!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!