
Monday, December 18, 2017

Life's a Beach Book Tag

Christmas may be next week, but that doesn't mean I can't dream of going to the beach!  Today I'm doing the "Life's a Beach" book tag, created by The Left-Handed Book Lover.

1. The Sand: A book that stuck with you long after you finished reading.
I read this one earlier this year, and I can't stop thinking and talking about it!  I recommend it to everyone!
2. The Sun: A book that burned you.
I was so looking forward to this fantasy story about two twins and a battle for the throne.  Unfortunately, it ended up being kind of lame and repetitive!
3. The Waves: A book that calms you down after a long day.
I just love this classic story - the adventures, the characters, the strange new lands.  I never get tired of it, no matter what else is going on around me.
4. The Bathing Suit: A book with a pretty summer-y cover.
This reminds me of a 1930s postcard!
5. The Birds: A book that is everywhere.
It seems like everyone is talking about, and loving, this book!  I have seen so many good reviews, and even my librarians are recommending it!
6. The Fun Memories: A book you can't wait to return to.
The Lunar Chronicles was such a fun series to read - I really want to revisit these stories soon!

If you want to bring a little bit of summer back, I encourage you to do this tag!


  1. Fun tag!!! I loved Dark Matter and thought about that one too for a while after.

    1. I kept stopping while I was reading it and just thinking about different aspects of it! And then when it was done, I was in awe.

  2. This tag is awesome. I really wish I was on a beach right now!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Ugh, me too! We've had too much snow this past week!

  3. Oh that's a fun tag! I would love to re-read the lunar chronicles series sometime as well, I loved that world and amazing cast of characters, I need them back ahah <3

    1. I know, even though they were retellings, they were so original!

  4. I find Chronicles of Narnia a really calming book as well, especially during winter!

  5. Fun tag and I can't wait for you to read The Alice Network.

  6. I keep seeing Dark Matter over here! ;) It's still on my TBR.

    Dividing Eden we had such similar thoughts!

    I also love The Chronicles of Narnia. An old childhood favourite! I was actually in the middle of a series re-read but got caught up in a different reading schedule. I'd love to get back to it soon though!

    I'm STILL reading Winter - have a few other books that I need to get through (deadlines!) and then I'll be straight back into it ASAP.

    Great list!

    1. Thanks, Di! I know, I talk about Dark Matter quite a bit! It was so good, though!

  7. This is such a cute tag! Makes me miss summer ;)

    1. I know, and tomorrow is the first day of winter, haha!

  8. I read Cinder back when it was released and I even own the second book but I have yet to finish the series. I really need to finish it one of these days! I'm so bad at starting series and then never reading the rest of the books.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!