
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Daughter of the Siren Queen

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Tricia Levenseller
Expected publication date: February 27, 2018
The capable, confident, and occasionally ruthless heroine of Daughter of the Pirate King is back in this action-packed sequel that promises rousing high seas adventures and the perfect dash of magic.

Alosa's mission is finally complete. Not only has she recovered all three pieces of the map to a legendary hidden treasure, but the pirates who originally took her captive are now prisoners on her ship. Still unfairly attractive and unexpectedly loyal, first mate Riden is a constant distraction, but now he's under her orders. And she takes great comfort in knowing that the villainous Vordan will soon be facing her father's justice.

When Vordan exposes a secret her father has kept for years, Alosa and her crew find themselves in a deadly race with the feared Pirate King. Despite the danger, Alosa knows they will recover the treasure first . . . after all, she is the daughter of the Siren Queen.

In Daughter of the Siren Queen, Tricia Levenseller brings together the perfect mix of thrilling action, tense battle scenes, and a heart-pounding romance. - from Goodreads
The first book in this series was such a fun ride, and I can't wait to see where the story goes next!


  1. Oh dear, I still need to read the first one! I keep forgetting that this is one coming out so soon. Guess I'll be adding that to my beginning of the year reads! Great pick! :)

  2. I am next in line to get the first one from my library... I am looking forward to it!

  3. This is a popular choice this week. I love the cover but still need to read book one. At least I own a copy...somewhere.

    1. I love the covers in this series - they're very unique!

  4. Amazing cover! This looks like such a fun series...

  5. First of all - great minds think alike, and you totally nailed why I need this book - the first book was an epic ride! I want to meet the Siren Queen and get more of Alosa's story.

    1. Haha, yes! I know, I got so into the last story, I need to know more!

  6. Oh my goodness - the second recommendation of this one this week. Thank you for sharing - I need to check this series out. My CWW this week is a cosy mystery coming out on New Year's Day -

    1. Thanks for stopping by - I'll have to check your CWW out!

  7. I STILL need to read the first one in this series! It looks SO GOOD!

  8. I read the first book in this series and it was so fun! I love all things pirates. I definitely want to continue with the series. Great pick!

    1. I know, there aren't enough books about pirates!

  9. I didn't read the first book in the series but maybe I should!! Hope this one is just as good for you!

  10. Aaaaaaaan my tbr is growing *lol* Thanks for sharing and happy reading.
    My pick

    Best wishes
    Vi @Inkvotary

  11. I still need to read the first book in this series. I even checked it out of the library a few months ago and never read it, lol.


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