
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Waiting on/Can't Wait Wednesday: The Address

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine and Can't Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings.  Both help us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

The Address
Fiona Davis
Expected publication date: August 1, 2017
After a failed apprenticeship, working her way up to head housekeeper of a posh London hotel is more than Sara Smythe ever thought she'd make of herself. But when a chance encounter with Theodore Camden, one of the architects of the grand New York apartment house The Dakota, leads to a job offer, her world is suddenly awash in possibility--no mean feat for a servant in 1884. The opportunity to move to America, where a person can rise above one's station. The opportunity to be the female manager of The Dakota, which promises to be the greatest apartment house in the world. And the opportunity to see more of Theo, who understands Sara like no one else . . . and is living in The Dakota with his wife and three young children.

In 1985, Bailey Camden is desperate for new opportunities. Fresh out of rehab, the former party girl and interior designer is homeless, jobless, and penniless. Two generations ago, Bailey's grandfather was the ward of famed architect Theodore Camden. But the absence of a genetic connection means Bailey won't see a dime of the Camden family's substantial estate. Instead, her -cousin- Melinda--Camden's biological great-granddaughter--will inherit almost everything. So when Melinda offers to let Bailey oversee the renovation of her lavish Dakota apartment, Bailey jumps at the chance, despite her dislike of Melinda's vision. The renovation will take away all the character and history of the apartment Theodore Camden himself lived in . . . and died in, after suffering multiple stab wounds by a madwoman named Sara Smythe, a former Dakota employee who had previously spent seven months in an insane asylum on Blackwell's Island.
One hundred years apart, Sara and Bailey are both tempted by and struggle against the golden excess of their respective ages--for Sara, the opulence of a world ruled by the Astors and Vanderbilts; for Bailey, the free-flowing drinks and cocaine in the nightclubs of New York City--and take refuge and solace in the Upper West Side's gilded fortress. But a building with a history as rich--and often tragic--as The Dakota's can't hold its secrets forever, and what Bailey discovers in its basement could turn everything she thought she knew about Theodore Camden--and the woman who killed him--on its head.  - from Goodreads


  1. This sounds good!! Love the dual time lines!

  2. Ooh this one sounds amazing! I like how there's two perspectives at different times. I've seen that done in books before and I loved. Plus the cover is eye-catching. Great pick! :)

  3. This sounds pretty good. I haven't read many books set in that era so I'm intrigued! :)

    Stacy Renee @ Lazy Day Literature

  4. This looks really good! I especially love the sound of those heroines - they seem utterly fascinating. Thanks for sharing, Angela, this is a brilliant pick!
    Here's my WoW

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  5. I featured this one last week. It looks so good.

    1. Yep, I remember! Really looking forward to this one.

  6. That's a gorgeous cover! Hope you enjoy it!

  7. This sounds like my kind of read. I love the sound of it! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. :)

  8. This sounds interesting with the parallel story lines. Hope you enjoy it! Great pick this week!

    Crystal Book Snob

  9. Ooh this does sound good. I've found myself really enjoying books that weave these two different timelins- secrets or whatever from the past that resonate with the more current story. Hope it's good!

    1. Yes, I love when authors find creative ways to tie two storylines together!

  10. This sounds so good and I love the cover!! I may have to add this to my TBR!

    Here's my can't-wait read!

  11. Wow, what excellent dual timelines these are! And what made Sara change? I want to know!

    1. Yes, there's definitely a mysterious feeling about the older timeline!


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