
Monday, July 17, 2017

Summer TBR Wipeout 2017: Update #1

Hey, all!  Hope you're enjoying your summers and getting some good reading in!  Two weeks ago I started the Summer TBR Wipeout 2017 hosted by The Candid Cover, so it's time to update my progress!


I started with Caraval by Stephanie Garber, which I've had on my TBR since last year.  I'd seen some mixed reviews on this one, but the magic and fantasy aspects drew me in (for some reason, this summer I've really been wanting to read a lot of fantasy stories!).  I loved the magical parts of this book - the idea of this fantastical game, the crazy buildings, the clothes that change according to your mood, the idea that NO ONE is who they say they are.  But, the writing was overly flowery with some strange descriptions (how can something smell like the moon or laughter?) and the main character Scarlett was kind of infuriating at times.  However, the epilogue did get me a bit excited, because it seems like the next story will be from sister Tella's POV, and she's definitely the more interesting of the two sisters!

Next, I moved onto Driving Lessons by Zoe Fishman, a book I bought at B&N on a whim.  This story is about a woman and her husband who move to Virginia from NYC for a slower pace of life, but when her best friend is diagnosed with cancer, she goes back to NYC to help her out.  Unfortunately, I didn't enjoy this one that much.  The story felt very disjointed - I would have preferred more of a "fish out of water" story set solely in Virginia.  The main character is obnoxious and grumpy, and the story is too heavy-handed with the topics of babies and pregnancy.


Then, I moved onto Last Summer by Holly Chamberlin, a story about two women, their daughters, bullying, and a ruined friendship.  I couldn't get into the stuffy writing of this book, so I DNFed at page 25.

Based on a great review from The Bookish Libra, I wanted to make sure I read The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley by Hannah Tinti sooner rather than later.  I was impressed by this story about a father-daughter relationship.  Not only is it a great coming-of-age story for daughter, Loo, but it's also kind of a coming-of-age story for father, Hawley, too.  Flashbacks show Hawley's violent past but also how he has now evolved into a very protective and loving father.  And it was interesting to see how growing up with a father like Hawley has affected Loo (she's definitely not a meek character!).


  1. I didn't *fully* love Caraval but I thought all the magic stuff was great. So excited for the next book!

    1. Yes, I'm excited to see where the story goes from here, hopefully from Tella's POV!

  2. I've had Caravel on my TBR forever too! And I almost bought it at B&N last night. I'm glad I didn't now. I'll probably see if I can check it out from the library it'll probably be just an okay read for me. Awesome wrap-up!

    Crystal Book Snob

    1. Thanks! I hope you do enjoy it, but yeah, I'd probably try a free copy first!

  3. I wanted to read Caraval but I kind of lost interest with the mixed reviews. I think I want to add The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley . Great progress!

    1. If you like father-daughter stories, you'll probably like Twelve Lives.

  4. What a bunch of diverse reads this is! I've seen twelve lives about for ages and never could quite get my head around it. I think i should probably give it a second look -- it's always got good reviews too!

    1. I would recommend it - it was an interesting read!

  5. I am sorry that your first few reads weren't as exciting as you'd hoped! I have never heard of The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley, but it sounds like one that I would enjoy. I am glad that you loved it so much. I will have to add it to my TBR as well. :)

    1. I hope you enjoy it, too! I'm hoping some of my next reads will make up for the earlier ones.

  6. Totally agree about Caraval!! The language was definitely too flowery and Scarlett was very annoying at times :( But you're right, Tella's so much more interesting! I'm looking forward to the next book :)
    Happy reading!

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Me too, I'm interested to see where the story goes next!

  7. Wow, you're doing so much better on this challenge than I am! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley. I hope to start Caraval next week so I'm curious to see what I think of it.

    1. Haha, thanks! Looking forward to hearing what you think about Caraval!

  8. I had so many mixed feelings about Caraval! I agree with you on the magical parts - they were enchanting and unique and I loved them. However, the flowery language often got to be too much for me, and Scarlet was infuriating, as you said. There was so many things that girl did that I just didn't understand the rhyme or reason. But I'm still curious to read the next one. Hope the rest of your Summer TBR Wipeout goes well! :)

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping that if Tella is the main character, the story will be a bit more fun and lively!

  9. Ohh I am reading Caraval at the moment, almost done with it and I feel the same way as you do. I really like the world and magic of it all, but the writing feels a bit...too much, at times, like it's trying to hard? It kind of takes too much of my concentration at times and, if it's suppose to evoke feelings and tastes to me, it just...well it doesn't work ahah :)All the best for the rest of your TBR wipeout!

    1. Exactly, "trying too hard" is the perfect way to describe some of the writing! Thanks, Marie!

  10. Wow, you've done well so far!

    I'm sad that it sounds like you didn't enjoy Caraval as much as I did but I'm glad you're still looking forward to the sequel.

    1. Sometimes if I'm on the fence about the first book in a series, I like to move onto the second, just because sometimes the first book can be a bit slow, with having to introduce the characters and do world-building. If the ending of the first book really grabs my attention, like Caraval, I'm more like to continue.

  11. I loved The Twelve Lives of Samuel Hawley! Glad to hear your enjoyed it :)


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