
Thursday, July 20, 2017

TV Shows I'm Obsessed With Lately #2

Tom and I watched this show years ago and I loved it, so for Christmas he bought me the box set of the entire series and now I'm working my way through it again.  I'm just fascinated by the Tudors and I'll pretty much read or watch anything related to this family!

Tom watches BBC America for Doctor Who; I watch it for Graham Norton.  Graham Norton hosts a British talk show and he is just hilarious.  It's similar to our late-night talk shows here in the US: he does a monologue, chats with celebrities, and has a musical guest each week.

Ah, Neflix, you've done it again!  This series tells the story of a young woman starting her own online vintage clothing store.  It's just a really cute and fun show!  And it's based on the autobiography #GIRLBOSS, by Sophia Amoruso, which I really should read.  (Unfortunately, I just found out it's been cancelled and won't be getting a second season, but hey, at least you can binge this season.)

Have you watched any of these?  What shows are you watching lately?


  1. I love the Graham Norton show! I only watch clips of it though on youtube. I started watching Girl Boss and was liking it, but I never finished it. I might binge-watch it one day like you said!

    1. Yeah, I like that the Girlboss episodes are short, so I didn't feel bad about watching 3 or 4 at a clip!

  2. The Tudors is one of my favorite shows. I'd love to rewatch it sometime. I also love the Graham Norton show. He's my favorite talk show host ever! And arghhhh I'm super sad now because I didn't realie Girlboss got canceled. I haven't watch all episodes yet so at least I Have that to look forward to.

    1. Yay, so glad I'm not the only one out there who loves these shows! I wasn't sure if anyone else would be watching Graham Norton - he is just hilarious and we love him!

  3. I liked Girlboss! I thought it was really cute and fun as well! Too bad it's not getting renewed, I would have liked to see another season. Great post! I always love to know which TV shows people are into.

    Crystal Book Snob

    1. Thanks! Sometimes it's fun to talk about something other than books.

  4. Oh I love the Graham Norton show! I haven't watched it in a long time but it's such a fun talk show. I watched a lot of The Tudors several years ago but I haven't finished it yet...I don't know what. It was quite addicting!

    1. I never know when Graham Norton is going to be on, so we usually just watch it on demand. And yes, The Tudors is addicting!

  5. The Tudors is one of those shows that I've always heard amazing things about but have never watched. One of these days I'm definitely going to though. I liked Girl Boss too. Fun post!

    1. Thanks! The Tudors is a great show; I just love that family, for some reason they totally fascinate me!

  6. Oh my word I LOVE Graham Norton! He's just hilarious, and I love how he treats his guests; there's no ego or airs or graces, everyone just has fun and relaxes. It's awesome :)

    I'v watched a bit of The Tudors but I desperately want to watch more! I love the era so much, and I adore Anne Boleyn.

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Yes, his show is just so much fun!

      I love Anne Boleyn - she is so fascinating!

  7. I've heard so many good things about the Tudors that I think I really need to check it out. I even think that hubby would watch it with me! :)

    Hope you had a good weekend!

    1. Thank you! Tom liked it the first time we watched The Tudors. I've been doing the rewatch after he goes to bed.

  8. The Tudors has been on my must watch list for a while now so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! I'm also obsessed with the Tudors. When anything is related to that time period I always add it to my wish list. I've been really torn about starting Girl Boss. Two of my friends had to read the book for a class last semester, and they both complained about it on a weekly basis. However, when I saw the trailer it did catch my eye...maybe someday.

    1. The Tudors is SO GOOD! Definitely watch it! I haven't read the book #Girlboss yet, not sure if I will! But the show was pretty good!

  9. I might have to give Girlboss a try! I also still haven't watched The Tudors! So many shows, so little time!

    1. I know, there are so many shows I want to watch, I just forget about them!


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