
Friday, July 21, 2017

Review: This Time Around

This Time Around
Tawna Fenske
Published April 4, 2017
Allie Ross is not living the life she once dreamed. Her law career ended before it ever started, her parents landed in jail for running a Ponzi scheme, and she just inherited her grandmother’s B&B—which is nice, even if it is full of extra-toed cats. As for her love life…she’d rather not talk about it.

When Jack Carpenter reaches out to reconnect with Allie, the girl who broke his heart in college, his plan is to impress her with the adult he’s become. Sure, he was a deadbeat then, but life has forced him to grow up. And it’s a relief to find out that things didn’t necessarily go the way Allie expected either.

As Allie and Jack get reacquainted, they rediscover the things they loved—and hated—about each other. But who they are now isn’t who they were then, and secrets—old and new—will test whether they have a future together, or if the past is destined to repeat itself. - from Goodreads
I don't generally read a lot of contemporary romance books, but I really liked the sound of this one and I was not disappointed!

Allie and Jack dated as teenagers, eventually getting engaged early in college.  But then they break up and don't see each other for 16 years, until Jack moves back to town and gets in touch with Allie.  The spark is still there, but could a relationship between them work now?

A huge part of the story is who Jack and Allie were the first time they dated versus who they are now.  Back then, Allie was the organized, responsible one, with dreams of going to law school and getting married, and she came from a wealthy family who didn't approve of Jack, who was basically a slacker with no real ambitions and terrible with money.  Fast forward 16 years, and the two have basically switched places in life.  Allie never finished law school and has three more failed engagements to her name; her parents are now in prison.  Jack, however, really turned his life around - he eventually finished college, started a successful career, got married (his wife unfortunately passes away), and had a daughter. 

A lot of the issues that plagued their relationship as teenagers aren't really factors anymore, because of the benefit of time.  Allie and Jack have both grown up, and their experiences (plus the chemistry they always had) potentially make them better partners for each other now.  There's a sense of familiarity combined with chances to learn new things about each other.  But - and there's always a but - there's still some hesitation.  Maybe some of their old problems will resurface, or maybe there will be new ones...

Fenske has crafted a fast-moving, sexy, and mostly lighthearted second-chance romance.  Allie and Jack are relatable and realistic main characters, and there is a good cast of secondary characters that provide humor and heart.

4 stars


  1. I don't know why but I love stories where a couple breaks up and come together again after quite a while. They just draw me in!

    1. It's actually something I'm a little leery of - people usually break up for a reason, so I don't want to see that issue just get glossed over - but here it made sense.

  2. This sounds wonderful -- I like the idea of them switching place, and how they each see each other now.

    1. Yes, it was interesting to see how they had changed after so many years apart. It's not like they broke up and were getting back together after a few months!

  3. It is kinda neat that they have changed so much and then come together again, all those years later. Looks like a fun read!

    1. Yes, these two definitely benefited from having time to grow up before meeting again!

  4. This sounds really good actually. I don't usually read contemporary romance but I just read The Light We Lost which is sssoooo good! After your review of This Time Around I think I might check this one out!

    Crystal Book Snob

    1. Great! I have The Light We Lost on my TBR - looking forward to it!

  5. I'm not usually a big reader of contemporary romance either, but I do like the idea of a second chance romance. It seems more realistic and something that many readers can probably relate to.

    1. It did seem realistic, especially since he had moved away for awhile and was coming back to town. I liked how much he had changed over the years.

  6. Cute cover! I don't know why I've been off contemporaries for so long, I really think I need to try one again soon. I guess there's just so many amazing fantasies out there right now.

    I'm glad this one worked out so well for you and a little humour sounds like a great addition.

    1. Yes, I was pleasantly surprised by this one; it's not a genre I read a lot of. I read a lot of contemporary, but not usually romance.

  7. Ah this one sounds really good!! I always love books that contain second chance romances so that's really selling it for me here. I also think the characters sound great. Wonderful review! :)


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