Friday, September 8, 2023

Quick Reviews

 Dream On by Angie Hockman (2022)

When Cass wakes up from a coma after a car accident, she is convinced that she is dating a man named Devin - she knows what he looks like and all these things about him.  But, no one in her life knows Devin.  Then, Cass actually meets him, the real Devin, in a flower shop a year later.  Is a relationship meant to be?  I wanted to love this one - the premise is so unique!  Cass has memories of someone she's never met, and then they cross paths!  However, it was evident from very early on in the book what was actually going to happen once Cass and Devin start dating for real.  Even though he seemed like a nice guy, Cass always had some issue with something he did or said.  I did enjoy the glimpses into Cass' work life (starting a job as a lawyer while still trying to recover from her accident), and her friends and family seemed pretty great.  I just wanted more whimsy, more charm, and this ended up falling flat for me.  3 stars 
The Spectacular by Fiona Davis (2023)
Dancer Marion takes a big chance on trying out for the Rockettes and is thrilled to find out she made the cut.  But, her family and boyfriend are not happy about her new career, and when the Big Apple bomber strikes Radio City Music Hall, Marion will have some tough choices to make in the wake of personal tragedy.  Fiona Davis quickly became an auto-buy author for me, and her books just keep getting better and better.  While I've always loved her writing, in this book it just felt like she hit an amazing groove.  Marion is a character that you're going to love - she wants more from her life than what her father and boyfriend expect of her.  She's passionate and determined.  After the bombing, she wants to get more involved in the investigation, worried that the police aren't doing enough.  She starts working with a friend, a doctor, who helps the police create a psychological profile of the bomber.  The story is the perfect blend of a coming-of-age story of sorts for Marion combined with a murder mystery - there's a little something for almost any reader.  I can't wait to read more from Davis and see what iconic NYC building she chooses next.  4.5 stars

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  1. I really wanna read Fiona Davis sometime. I hear nothing but amazing things about her books.

    1. Her books are so good and just keep getting better!

  2. Dream On really caught my eye when it first released but I've seen several lukewarm reviews for it. I think I'll probably give this one a pass.

  3. Sorry you didn't like Dream On. I loved that book. I seem to really like stories where the characters make big life changes.

    1. Yes, I like character growth, it was just the romance that didn't work for me.

  4. I love the sound of The Spectacular!

  5. The Spectacular sounds really interesting. I haven't heard of this author, but I love when you find a favorite writer who just seems to get better and better with every book. Great reviews!

  6. Sorry Dream On didn't work well for you but yay for the Fiona Davis book. I think that one is my favorite from her so far.


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