Friday, April 1, 2022

Month in Review: March 2022

March was a pretty quiet month.  Work has been a little slow for me, as the accountants are now deep in tax season and not working on the jobs I normally work on.  It has made for a nice, easy transition back to work, though!  My brother-in-law and his wife came over and met Henry for the first time (their household was all sick on and off for awhile, including with COVID, so we had to reschedule a bunch of times), so that was nice.  Tom cooked a St. Patrick's Day dinner and we had some family over for that, too.  Other than that, we are settling into our routine of work and daycare.  Henry has adjusted really well and is growing like a weed!  I had a little cry one day over the fact that I had to switch out his clothes for a bigger size!  He loves to smile and "talk" and is obsessed with putting everything in his mouth, including, but not limited to, his hands, shirts, and toys.

The Books

The Posts and Reviews

How are you doing?

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  1. What a great haul of books, and I haven't read any but will check them out further. Sounds like you had a great month, also.

  2. I hear you about changing out the clothes. It still hits me when I change them out even when they are older. They grow up too fast! :( Before you know it, he'll be off to Kindergarten!
    Your books look great- I loved Surviving Savannah and One True Loves. I hope you enjoyed them. I also see you read a Louise Penny book--can you believe I have never read one of her books?!??!

    1. I know, it's crazy how much he has grown and changed in just 4 months! Oh my goodness, kindergarten! My niece started this year and it's hard to believe even she's old enough for it!

      You must read a Louise Penny book! The series is so good!

  3. Babies grow too fast. ((HUGS)) mom. I remember never noticing how much the kid had grown until back to school, when we switched shorts for pants. It's amazing.

    1. They do! Thanks, Sam! Now that he's in daycare and I don't see him for longer periods of time, I am starting to notice the changes in him more!

  4. Oh that sounds like a nice visit! I can't believe we're in April already.

  5. Awww, so glad Henry is finally getting to meet more of his extended family. I hear you on crying about clothing. It's crazy how fast they move through those sizes, especially in the very beginning.

    1. I know, it's like they literally grow overnight and all of a sudden nothing fits!

  6. Glad to hear you got a nice transition into returning to work and had a nice family gathering this month! I'm already shocked at how fast time goes with my little niece (she's almost crawling and I'm like when did that happen), so I can only imagine how shocking it must be when it's your own baby!

    1. It's not something I was totally prepared for!

  7. A quiet month with family time sounds pretty perfect. I hope you pick up some good reads this April.

  8. Aww, I'm glad Henry is doing well, and it's nice that your brother in law and his wife got to meet him!

    1. Thank you! Yes, I'm glad we finally got that visit!


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