Monday, July 1, 2024

Month in Review: June 2024


It's hard to believe, but June is over and that means we're already halfway finished with 2024!  June was a pretty quiet month for us.  It started with a trip to the zoo and then a birthday party for our niece and nephew.  Henry got to try out their new pool, which meant I had to be in it all afternoon - not a big sacrifice, though!  Tom's co-workers got together for a day of mini-golf and lunch.  It was Henry's first time playing mini-golf and he had a blast!  Although, he thinks the club looks like a hammer and swings it as such, so we have some work to do, ha!  The end of the month saw extremely hot temperatures, so hot that we honestly barely left the house except for work and school.  

The Books

The Posts and Reviews

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  1. Aww first time mini-golf for Henry must've been so cute!

    1. It was, although a little dangerous with him swinging that club around!

  2. Yes, the weather has been miserable though today is another gift after the horror of yesterday. Sounds like you still did lots of fun things.

  3. I'm glad the month was mostly chill and fun for you! <3 The zoo trip my friends and I planned months ago never came to be. 😂

    1. We have a membership to the zoo so we're really trying to take advantage of it!

  4. Sounds like a fun month! Mini golf with little ones is so funny. Then all of a sudden they become good in a few years and it becomes competitive. haha. You had a great reading month. I look forward to your thoughts on The Most Likely Club, Elizabeth and Margaret, and Lisa Scottoline's latest novel.

    1. LOL trying to get Henry to even hold the club the right way was a struggle!

  5. Henry's first time playing mini-golf sounds like it was a lot of adorable fun :) Hope the hot temperatures will cool down a bit soon though!

    1. It was cute, although I had to keep him away from everyone else because of the way he was swinging his club around!

  6. I always love trips to the zoo. I hope you all had fun. I hope temperatures cool down for you. Where I am, we are in the middle of a heat way and have to get out early if we hope to do anything outdoors. Hope you have a lovely July!

    1. We did have fun at the zoo - we have a membership so we've been trying to go more! Yes, definitely getting out early in the day is helpful!

  7. I'm glad you had a good month! The weather has been painfully hot here too. Brooklyn has been spending a lot of time in the pool. My sister has been taking her because I don't do pools. :) I hope you're having a great July!

    1. LOL I didn't do pools either until it didn't seem fair to Henry anymore! Now I grudgingly put on my suit and get in with him! But it's been fun.

  8. It's still blowing my mind that the year is half over. I can relate to staying inside to escape the heat. Twelve books is great! I want to read the Jimenez book.

    1. And it is still super hot! It's neverending. This isn't normal for where we live!

  9. Sounds like a really fun month and a great start to the summer! Bummer about the heat, it seems like it's hitting everyone hard this year so far. Looks like a lot of great books as well!

    1. It really does! It seems like we can't go anywhere to escape it.


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