
Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Month in Review: July 2023


July was a month of highs and lows.  My stepfather Frank passed away this month - although he had been declining for awhile and it was somewhat expected, it was still a shock to me.  He and my mom had been married for 24 years, so he has been in our lives for a long time and while things started off rough, in the last several years, we had forged a better relationship.  My mom has been doing as well as can be expected.  She's generally a very strong person, emotionally, so even though this will be a big adjustment for her, she is handling it well.  They had moved to Oklahoma last year, but the services were up here in New Jersey, so I have been busy helping her with that (I apologize for my lack of blog hopping in the last couple weeks!).  Where my mom is strong, I am way more emotional and it's been a hard time personally.  The day we laid him to rest was a beautiful day and we couldn't have asked for better.  I will always remember the way he loved Henry, from the moment he met him - he loved to sit on the couch and hold him, talking to him quietly and gently.

After the funeral, my mom stayed in New Jersey for a couple weeks.  She stayed with us a for a couple days before going down to my sister's house.  I'm glad she didn't have to be alone during this time.  Then we all went up to the Finger Lakes in upstate New York for my cousin's wedding (my mom watched Henry and our niece because it was a no children allowed event).  It was a lovely wedding and we got to catch up with my dad's side of the family, which was nice because we don't get to see them often, as everyone is spread out all over the country.

Henry is doing great - he's learning so many new words!  Hearing his little voice say "bye bye" is probably the cutest thing I've ever heard!  He is definitely in the toddler stage of pushing boundaries, though - while he is generally a good listener, I have had to employ time outs quite often lately.  

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  1. So sorry to hear about your step-dad. Twenty four years is a long time to spend with a person and then they are gone. Glad you were able to provide some comfort to your mom. She lives out near your brother, right? My daughter's father had a no-kids wedding, so she wasn't invited back when she was 8 (?) though she was told she would be in the bridal party. Ooops! (I'm not mad)

    1. Thank you, Sam. Yes, she lives near my brother and his family.

      I would have been mad! When both of my parents got remarried, the kids played a prominent role in the weddings - they should be the exception!

  2. So sorry about the loss of your stepfather, Angela. I'm glad y'all were able to be in a good place relationship-wise. I hope your mom has a good support system in OK. Maybe she will move back to be closer to you?

    1. Thank you, Tanya. My mom lives near my brother in Oklahoma, so she will have them when she goes home. I doubt she would ever move back, unfortunately!

  3. I am so sorry to hear that! All my condolences.

    The Liane Moriarty looks good. I was reading her stuff as it came out there for a few years but I think I'm behind on her last couple releases...

    1. Thank you so much, Greg.

      I think I'm finally all caught up on Liane's books!

  4. So sorry about your loss. Glad you and your mom have been able to spend time together during this time.

  5. I'm so sorry about the loss of your stepfather.

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your stepfather. Thinking of you are your loved ones during this grieving period <3

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your stepfather. Sending my condolences. Glad to hear you and your mom have been able to be there for each though.

    1. Thank you, Lindsey. Yes, I'm glad we were able to spend so much time with her.

  8. I'm so sorry to hear about your stepfather. I'm glad you and your mom have had each other to lean on during such a hard time.

  9. Sorry about your stepfather. *Hugs.* That photo of him with Henry is adorable. I hope this month is better for you.

    1. Thank you, Aj. I love that picture and the way Henry is looking at him!

  10. I am so sorry about your stepfather. Thinking of you guys. It's so difficult...sending you all a hug! I'm glad you were able to spend time with your mom and family during this difficult time. Henry is getting so big! I found three years old to be harder than two. Four and five are my FAVORITE ages. So much to look forward to!

    1. Thank you, Christina. It's been hard, but we appreciate all the love and support.

      OMG, please do not tell me 3 is harder than 2! He's not even 2 and I'm like, I'm over this already, ha! But, I just have to appreciate the good times and look forward to more!


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