
Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Month in Review: June 2023


June was a very busy family-filled month for us!  Tom and I attended the graduation party of his colleague's son, which marked the first time both of us were not there for Henry's bedtime.  It was only the 4th time I've missed bedtime - LOL, is it weird that I know that?  My dad and stepmom came to stay with him, and he seemed to have a great time.  The next day, we went to a Trenton Thunder (minor league baseball) game with my family.  It was Henry's first baseball game!  He didn't really pay that much attention, but we all had fun!  Later in the month, we played hooky and met up with Henry's cousins at the Crayola Factory on a Friday morning.  We had fun coloring and running around, until Henry started to get a little out of control (tired, LOL), and we had to sit out in the hallway for awhile.  Then my dad and stepmom hosted a chocolate tasting party with some fancy chocolate they picked up on their recent trip to Hawaii (the kids taste-tested M&M colors).  Henry played at the water table and ran around with his cousins - he never seems to care that he's the youngest and can't do as much as them, he's content to just be in the middle of everything, give hugs, and giggle like crazy!

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  1. Chocolate tasting party sounds like actual heaven!

    1. It was so good! It was a blind test, so we had fancy Hawaiian chocolates, grocery store chocolate, and Ghiradelli. It was fun to see what everyone preferred!

  2. Sounds fun! I bet that Crayola factory is neat.

    1. It was! A little overwhelming with the amount of people there, but we had fun.

  3. Sadly, we never visited the Crayola factory though it's not that far away. Now the kid is too old. Have to wait for grandkids. LOL

    1. I never went as a kid; we took my niece a few years ago. This was Henry's first time and he had fun!

  4. That does not sound weird at all to me, I can imagine it'd be a little weird to not be there for bedtime! Sounds like you had a wonderful month, it's always nice when you get to spend good times with family! :)

    1. Thank you, Jordan! Yes, it was a little weird to miss bedtime. I do it every night, so I was convinced he'd be lost without me, but of course he was fine!

  5. Sounds like you had a fun month! A chocolate tasting party sounds like my kind of party. :)

  6. Sounds like June a filled with some good things. How fun that Henry has cousins that he's able to see often. A chocolate tasting sounds like the best day ever. LOL

    1. It was a very fun day! I love that Henry has so many cousins close by, it reminds me of my childhood.

  7. Sounds like a fun and busy month! Your little man is really growing up! It's strange that I have never been to the Crayola factory and we aren't that far from it - never been to Hershey either. I need to remedy that! You had a good reading month- Homecoming was good! I hope you enjoyed it!

    1. He's getting so big! Sobs. This was actually only my second time at Crayola and I've never been to Hershey either! Loved Homecoming - 5 stars!

  8. Sounds like you had a great June with family moments and the chocolate tasting of course :D

  9. Sounds like you had a full month full of new and fun memories. :) Hope you enjoyed some good books, too!


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