
Monday, August 1, 2022

Month in Review: July 2022

July was a pretty fun month!  We had some family over for the 4th of July and everyone had a good time.  Tom and I went to see Thor: Love and Thunder, and we enjoyed it!  A little scattered, but I love me some Chris Hemsworth.  Two of my aunts that live out of state came to New Jersey, so my dad had a get-together at his house.  I was so happy that they got to meet Henry for the first time.  One of the ladies I work with is having a baby in September, so the firm hosted a shower for her, which meant I went to the office for the first time in about 11 months - crazy!  The shower was fun and I got to meet a few new staff members who started recently.

Obligatory Henry update:  He's doing great!  He got over the illness he had at the end of last month, but he has sniffles that come and go.  Our pediatrician told us that it's not uncommon for babies who are in daycare to get sick almost every two weeks, which seems crazy but true at this point.  It's good, though, that he's around other people and building up his immune system.  He has basically mastered sitting up and now we're working on kneeling.  Two firsts this month: first time at a restaurant and first tooth coming in!

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  1. Replies
    1. It was good! Definitely set up the series well!

  2. I bet it was strange going back into the office. Crazy that's it's normal for babies in daycare to be sick so often. But maybe that helps strengthen their immune system. *shrugs* I still haven't picked up Meant to Be but I plan to.

    1. It was! I felt so disoriented all day! Yes, being sick isn't fun but I think it does help them.

  3. Yeah it's crazy how much stuff they can catch at daycare- our kids had that too! Always something! And I heard Thor was fun.

    1. I know, it definitely is always something! Thor was fun; I've seen some not-so-great reviews, but it's Marvel, so I'll watch it!

  4. Love your update! Yes, I remember that about daycare. New tooth - fun! Have a good August, Angela!

  5. I'm glad you had a good month and that you enjoyed Thor! I saw it too and thought it was such a fun movie!

  6. When my daughter was very small, she kept getting sick. I was lucky my dad was retired and my grandmother lived with my parents. They split watching my daughter until she was almost three. When she went back to daycare, she didn't get sick as much. Henry is growing too quickly! Soon you will be chasing him all over the place.

    1. That's great that you had family around to help out! He is growing so fast, he always want to be on the move, although he can't quite get anywhere yet!

  7. So glad Henry is better. :) Sounds like you had a great reading month too! Yay. Love those.

  8. Made in Manhattan looks so intriguing! I see it everywhere so I need to read it soon. Take care and have a wonderful reading month in August.

  9. Glad to hear Henry's doing better! My niece is also sick so often from daycare, it's a pity but indeed good for building up their immune system at least. I hope to watch the new Thor soon, glad to hear you enjoyed it! And wow, the first time back in the office after 11 months must have been quite the experience. hope you'll have a great August!

    1. Thank you, Lindsey! Going to the office was quite different, I actually had to put on nice clothes, LOL!

  10. I forgot all about the new Thor movie. Glad to hear it was good. Also glad to hear that Henry is feeling better and that he's achieving more and more milestones. :)

  11. Sounds like you had a good month! Glad to hear Henry is better from being sick.

  12. Glad to hear your baby boy is doing okay! When I was a teacher I had, indeed, sniffling children in my classroom every few weeks....

    1. Haha, it just spreads around so easily to them! And then, of course, they bring it home. It feels like I'm sick as much as he is!

  13. I'm glad to hear he is feeling better---can't believe he is already getting a tooth! I look forward to your thoughts on Meant to Be. I hope you enjoyed it!

    1. Thanks, Christina! And just as quickly as the first tooth appeared, a second one started coming in, too! Meant to Be was a great read, Emily Giffin always delivers!


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