
Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was Excited To Get But Haven't Read Yet

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is books we were so excited to get but still haven't read.  I have quite a few books on my Kindle that I was (and still am) excited to read, but just haven't gotten to yet:
Beauty and the Mustache - acquired March 20, 2021
Hard to Handle - acquired March 4, 2021
Before the Crown - acquired February 26, 2021

Of Ink and Sea - acquired January 22, 2021
Tempt Me - acquired November 11, 2020
The Emerald Affair - acquired August 24, 2020

The Chase - acquired May 26, 2020
Southern Rain - acquired December 26, 2019
 What books have been sitting on your Kindle the longest?


  1. I read two of these - Reid and Kennedy. I owned both books quite a while before I got to them, and the shocking part is that I adore both authors. You know, too many books, too little time.

    1. Of course! I've read a couple Penny Reid but need to start Elle Kennedy.

  2. I haven't read any of these but they look and sound like books I would enjoy as well.

  3. I think you are actually doing well if the oldest book in your stacks is just from 2019!

    1. True, but that was when I got my Kindle, so some of them have been sitting on it since the beginning!

  4. I hope you enjoy all of these books when you read them!

    My post:

  5. Oh wow Ink and sea has a distinctive cover.

  6. I am so behind on the Elle Kennedy series. At this point I just need to binge it.

    1. I've never read this author before, so it'll all be new for me!

  7. I've seen a lot of fan of Penny Reid around. I need to pick up this author. Hope you enjoy these when you get a chance to read them.

  8. I have books on my Kindle from 2010 so you are doing great! I hope you enjoy these when you get a chance to read them.

  9. I love the cover of Southern Rain and Of Ink and Sea. I'll have to check those out. I listened to Before the Crown and really enjoyed it. I hope you get to read that one!

  10. Ooh, I'm really curious about Before the Crown! I hope you like all of these when you get a chance to read them! :)

  11. I have not read any book on this list, so I can't recommend them to you! If you had to pick 1 book to start next week, which one would it be? I'm curious!

    1. Probably either Hard to Handle or Before the Crown!

  12. I've not read any of these, but I hope you enjoy them all.
    My TTT:

  13. I've not read any of these but I have several Penny Reid books that have been sitting on my kindle forever. Don't even know why I haven't read them yet, lol.

    1. Haha, I know, I think I have another one, too!

  14. I don't think I recognize any of these! But I know I have way more books than I even shared. It's like, gosh, just too many books to read! :) Hope you enjoy all of these, Angela.

  15. The Chase is still standing on my Kindle unread too *oops* :)
    Hope you'll enjoy all of these when you get to them!

  16. So many books on my Kindle, too! It seems that I am constantly adding more. I hope that you enjoy these when you do get the chance to read them! :)

  17. I've not read these, but I love pretty dress book covers!
    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!


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