
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Daughter of Doctor Moreau

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Expected publication date: July 19, 2022
From the New York Times bestselling author of Mexican Gothic and Velvet Was the Night comes a dreamy reimagining of The Island of Doctor Moreau set against the backdrop of nineteenth-century Mexico.

Carlota Moreau: a young woman, growing up in a distant and luxuriant estate, safe from the conflict and strife of the Yucatán peninsula. The only daughter of either a genius, or a madman.

Montgomery Laughton: a melancholic overseer with a tragic past and a propensity for alcohol. An outcast who assists Dr. Moreau with his scientific experiments, which are financed by the Lizaldes, owners of magnificent haciendas and plentiful coffers.

The hybrids: the fruits of the Doctor’s labor, destined to blindly obey their creator and remain in the shadows. A motley group of part human, part animal monstrosities.

All of them living in a perfectly balanced and static world, which is jolted by the abrupt arrival of Eduardo Lizalde, the charming and careless son of Doctor Moreau’s patron, who will unwittingly begin a dangerous chain reaction.

For Moreau keeps secrets, Carlota has questions, and in the sweltering heat of the jungle, passions may ignite. - from Goodreads



  1. Oooo - a new book by Silvia Moreno-Garcia?? I need to scurry across to Netgalley and see if I can pick up an arc of this one!! Thank you for sharing:).

  2. I've seen this book around before but still I'm struck by the beautiful cover each and every time!

  3. I'm so curious about this! I've never read the original but the concept and the hybrids intrigue me. I should try the original and then this...

  4. I only know the movie of the original, but people seem to love what this authors did with her last retelling.

  5. I am SO excited for this one! I love The Island of Dr. Moreau and think this sounds so interesting!

  6. I've enjoyed the books I've read from her so far and this sounds like another unique one. Hope it's a great read for you!

  7. I heard about the movie, but this sounds really interesting! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  8. That cover is ridiculously beautiful! And what a cool take on Moreau.

    1. This is Verushka from Pop. Edit. Lit :)

    2. Haha, hi, Verushka! Yes, totally agree about the cover!

  9. I liked Mexican Gothic (even though it scared me a bit haha), so I will have to add this one to my TBR list. I love the cover!

  10. Never heard of this one, but GOSH, that cover! Oh, my. I love all the color in some of the more recent designs and the text? So. Pretty.

  11. I haven't read this author before, though her books always sound super intriguing, and this one is no exception! Also, the cover is gorgeous.

    1. I've read a couple of her books and enjoyed them!

  12. This sounds like a fun twist on the original.

  13. I am super excited for this one, too! I hope that we both love it! :)


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