
Monday, April 4, 2022

Discussion: A Good Problem To Have

For a few months last year, I was in a bit of a reading slump.  While I was still reading a good amount of books each month, I wasn't really that excited about it and it was taking me longer than normal to get through a story.  I was feeling tired and sick a lot, so that didn't help, either!  Cut to the end of the year, and now I'm home all day, every day, on maternity leave.  All of a sudden, I want to read EVERYTHING.  Every single book on my TBR sounds appealing to me (as it should, I suppose!), and I'm making lists in my head of what I want to read next... and after that... and after that.. and ooh wait, that sounds good, too!

So, I'm out of my reading slump.  I mean, that's good, right?  So what's the problem?  Time!  Time is the problem!  I don't have enough of it!  Between getting back to work, taking care of Henry, and keeping the house clean, I'm lucky if I pick up my book by 9:30pm and get in a few chapters before my eyes start to close.  There always seems to be something else that needs to be done, and as much as I love it, reading is unfortunately something that has to fall a little lower on the priority scale right now.  I know, I know, I sound a *little* whiney - believe me, I realize how lucky I am to have a full-time job, a nice house, a husband who does all the cooking, and the most adorable baby on the planet.  And I know my situation is not unique - we all have stuff going on!  But, I just want a little time to do what I love, too, something that has defined and fulfilled my life for so long!

Yes, I'm reading less than I have in previous years, and honestly, I'm reading more than I thought I would with a newborn.  But, choosing what to read next is becoming a challenge.  Like I said before, everything on my TBR sounds *so good*, so I'm still getting lots of books from the library and buying physical books and ebooks, but because I'm reading so slowly, it's all just piling up (I've had some library books for a couple months now - oops!).  I'm whatever the opposite of a mood reader is right now, and if books were food, I'd say that my eyes are bigger than my stomach.  

I don't think I'm that different from most book lovers - I think many would say that there just aren't enough hours in the day for all the reading we want to do.  So I guess my problem is - when you're short on time but have a ton of books that you just can't wait to read, how do you prioritize them?  I'm juggling so many different types of books:
  • Unread physical books from my own shelves
  • Ebooks languishing on my Kindle
  • Nonfiction books
  • Random review requests
  • Rereads
  • Making use of my Kindle Unlimited subscription before I have to choose to renew or cancel it in a couple months
Right now my solution to this problem is to just kind of rotate between all of these, but I can't help but wonder if there's a better way!

Tell me - how do you choose what to read next when your TBR seems endless?  Do you tend to prioritize certain books?  Have you figured out a way to add a 25th hour to your day so that you have more time to read?  If you only have time for one book a week, how do you choose that book?


  1. I can only imagine how hard it is for you to find time for yourself to do anything, let alone read! As a student, it is hard to find time for some things, but I have found audiobooks to be really useful. Scribd has lots of backlist titles and if there's one on my shelf that I need to find time for I can usually find it there in audio format. If you do figure out how to get an extra hour, let me know!! ;)

    1. I remember being in college and only reading like one book for fun over the course of a whole semester. I'm glad you've found a way to read more!

  2. I have the same problem! I want to read everything, but there's not enough time. I can usually listen to audiobooks while cleaning or exercising. My library is small and doesn't have a great selection of audiobooks, so usually the library ends up choosing my audiobooks for me. I take whatever I can get. For physical books, I try to prioritize the ones that have been sitting around the longest. If I can't choose a book, I read the oldest one on my TBR shelf.

    1. I used to listen to more audiobooks, but now it takes me so long to get through them. I generally listen to podcasts while I'm exercising since they're so short.

      I really should prioritize those older books on my shelf, too.

  3. Ever since I started school this year (adult education) my reading time has been way down too, compared to previous years. But audiobooks help me a lot because I have to commute quite a bit. And when I'm home I usually also listen to a couple of chapters before bed. Last month I think I read 4 audiobooks which is a lot for me!

    1. Yes, being in school definitely cuts into reading time! I used to listen to a lot of audiobooks when I had a commute to work, but I work at home now, so that kind of went out the window! I'm glad audiobooks have been such a hit for you!

  4. I always *want* to prioritize the books on my physical shelves but it also seems easy to save those for later because they'll always be here. For the most part, though, I am a true mood reader so I really do just read whatever grabs my interest from book to book. I might make vague TBR's with some KU options, some audiobooks, etc, but when it comes down to it, I read what sounds good in the moment.

    1. Yes, well said! I tend to prioritize library books, especially those I know I can't renew. I do have kind of an idea of what I want to read 3, 4, 5 books down the line, it's just getting there that's the problem!

  5. I am happy to hear you are in the reading zone. A full time job with a young child is time consuming, so I think you are smart to prioritize. I have a set weekly TBR - three ARCs, one backlog, and a freebie. I will move ARCs all over to match my mood, but I try to stick with the number.

    1. I think that's a great way to plan a reading week! It gives you some structure with room to move things around.

  6. LOL! I would love to find a way to add that 25th hour to my day for reading. I try to make a tentative TBR for myself and always try to make sure it contains some of the books I've had sitting around the longest. It's hard to stick to it though since I'm such a mood reader. Yay for not being in a reading slump though.

    1. Yes, I'm so glad to be out of the reading slump! I like making the seasonal TBRs for Top Ten Tuesday, because it helps make certain books a priority but also gives me 3 months to get to them!

  7. I'm happy to hear you're definitely out of the slump, though I also totally relate to there never seeming to be enough time to read! I often sit down in the evening wanting to read, only to fall asleep 5 minutes afterwards and that frustrates me so much because I WANT to read. Something that helps me read more anyway is a combination of book formats. Audiobooks help me get my reading in while commuting or doing chores, ebooks are for when I need to read something for short periods of time like on break at work or waiting for an appointment, and when I have a LOT of time (like an entire Sunday or something), I'll usually pick up a physical book. It's not a perfect system and I'm a huge mood reader which does not help, but it's helped me read more than I would before I did this. Hope you'll find a system that works for you!

    1. Thanks, Lindsey! It sounds like we are in a similar situation! The mix of formats is a good solution! That way you'll always have a book available in any situation!

  8. Well, I'm happy to hear that 'all the books' sound good to you. I hate it when I'm 'off' in my reading and nothing is satisfying. Honestly, as someone who is more than a few years older than you, I would say just give yourself a little grace and 'read whatever you want'. No shoulds. No musts. No rules. Whatever you want. Without guilt of any kind. Enjoy that sweet baby. :-)

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words and advice, Kay! This is definitely a time when I shouldn't be adding more stress to my life!

  9. I can totally understand where you are coming from-- with all the changes to your life, your career, your body (!) of course your reading mojo might take a hit... or you run out of time.

    It's been forever since I was the parent of a baby or small child, but I can remember not having the energy to concentrate on a plot and watching mindless tv instead. This will change sooner than you think. I hope that you find a sliver of peaceful time during the day to pick up a book and get involved in it. You need to keep yourself healthy and satisfied to have a healthy and satisfied family. It will come... in the meantime have wonderful times with the baby!

    1. Thank you so much, Mia! I'm always happy to hear from other parents who have been through it all before, because, like you, they offer great reminders that life goes by in phases. I need to be patient and enjoy each moment!

  10. Wanting to read all the books *is* a good problem to have! Though it does suck not having enough time for them. I've been having the opposite problem of not really being in the mood for any of the books I have lol. Your mention if rereads has made me realize I've not done much of that lately, I've lowered that on the priority list, but I do kind of miss it!

    1. Aww, I'm sorry you're in a reading slump - maybe the rereading will help!

  11. Most often, if it's not a review book, I used to just find books I'd intended to read for a LOONG time or that sound fun. :) YAY for being out of your reading slump! At least that's a grand pro. Hope you find a little extra reading time, Angela.


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