
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Neanderthal Seeks Duchess

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Laney Hatcher
Expected publication date: May 3, 2022
There are three things you need to know about Lady Jane Morrison:
1. She frequently finds herself the talk of the ton and for all the wrong reasons.
2. A dashingly mysterious gentleman has caught her attention and even more dangerous...she has caught his.
3. She’s rubbish at embroidery.

After scandalous events during the London season, Lady Jane is attracting the wrong kind of attention. Her reputation is at risk as well as all her carefully laid plans for the future. And for better or worse, a chance encounter with a mysterious lord sets forth a series of events that will change their lives forever.

‘Neanderthal Seeks Duchess: a Penny Reid Universe Reimagining’, is a full-length historical romance, can be read as a standalone, and is book #1 in the London Ladies Embroidery series, Smartypants Romance Out of this World, Penny Reid Book Universe. - from Goodreads

I've really been enjoying the various Smartypants Romance releases, and now they're starting a new imprint called "Out of This World" in which the stories have some sort of tie to their existing bookish universe but are in completely new genres - the first is historical romance!


  1. At this point I'd read anything historical romance related. It sounds like a really fun read too!

    1. Me, too - I'm branching out from my contemporary romances!

  2. The title made me smile, and it sounds fun! I used to read more historical fiction and it was always fun reading about London society...

  3. Hmmm, I loved that world. I wonder if someone else could do it as well as Reid. Either way, I'm interested.

  4. This sounds so fun, I can't wait to read!

  5. I've been reading more romances lately, so I will have to add this to my TBR list!

  6. That title is the best! I hope that you love it when you get the chance to read it! :)

  7. This title makes this one sound fun! Haven't heard of this one though so it's one I'll have to take a closer look at. :)

  8. Now that is a title that catches my attention!it sounds like such a fun romance!


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