
Monday, January 3, 2022

Month in Review: December 2021

December was a total blur of baby snuggles, middle-of-the-night feedings, lots of coffee, and endless amounts of laundry!  I can't believe Henry is already a month old.  Each day brought new challenges, but there's nothing better than looking at his adorable face every minute I can!  Tom was able to take this whole month off from work, so we've done a lot of bonding as a family!

We celebrated Henry's first Christmas and he had several very busy days of visiting with family.  We were so happy when my brother and his family made their way from Oklahoma for a post-Christmas visit.  We haven't seen them in person since before COVID, so it was really special that they were able to come and meet Henry.  Our nephews are getting so big and it was nice to catch up with my brother and his wife.

The Books


The Posts and Reviews
Happy new year!
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  1. December was quite the month for you! And such great books you read as well. Happy new year. I hope 2022 will be a good one. Fingers crossed.

  2. Happy New Year! I'm glad you had a good Christmas! It's always nice to get to see family especially when you haven't seen them in a while. And even more so when you have a new family member for them to meet!

  3. Aww... a month already! Time flies! Glad you guys had lots of snuggle time and a good holiday!

  4. That's a long time not to see your loved ones. Glad they were able to celebrate Henry's first Christmas with you.

    1. Yes, it was! We have been really reluctant to get on planes. I'm really glad they were able to visit.

  5. Henry is one of the best names. I bet he's adorable. Congrats.
    I'm glad you got to see your family again!
    I haven't heard of any of those books but Forrest For the Trees really caught my eye.
    Happy New Year! Hope it's a good one.

    Ash @ Essentially Ash

    1. Aww, thanks, Ash! Yes, he is quite adorable!

  6. So glad to hear that you and your loved ones had a nice holiday together and that you're enjoying these precious early days with Henry.

  7. It was a great holiday season and so special that we got to celebrate it with Henry!

  8. Wow, how has it been a month already? So glad you're enjoying it and got to share it with family.

  9. So glad you had a chance for lots of of family bonding this month. Happy New Year!


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