
Friday, September 10, 2021

Quick Reviews

The Rehearsals by Annette Christie (2021)
Tom and Megan have been together for 12 years, but all it takes is one disastrous night at their rehearsal dinner for them to call it all off.  The next morning, they wake up in a time loop and wonder how they'll get out of it, or if they'll be stuck in one of the worst days of their lives forever.  Other reviews and blurbs led me to believe this would be a funny, lighthearted, sweet romance; unfortunately, it was anything but.  The day before their wedding, Tom and Megan each find out a secret that the other has been keeping.  To me, each of these secrets could, and maybe should, have been a major dealbreaker, so I almost felt right from the beginning that I couldn't root for these two to find a way back to each other.  It would just involve way too much compromise or unrealistic forgiveness.  The story felt so heavy, as the characters face major issues about themselves and their relationship.  I didn't mind that there were heavy, relatable issues, but I felt kind of mislead.  The writing was good, and I actually kind of liked the open ending, but I can't get past some of the major plot issues.  3 stars

Get Lucky by Lila Monroe (2016)

Romance author Julia and divorce lawyer Nate wake up naked in bed together in Las Vegas with no memory of how they got there.  What happens next is a hilarious, hijink-filled story of how two people found what they really needed.  I've read a couple of Lila Monroe's books, and I just can't scream about them enough.  The writing is so fun, witty, and quick-moving - the story just grabs you and never lets go.  Even though it's a fairly short novel, Julia and Nate are well-rounded characters - Nate is more stoic and realistic, while Julia has this wonderful positive attitude.  I loved watching them work together (and with their great group of friends) to figure out what they did the night before (The Hangover-style) and realizing that their first impressions of each other might not have been totally accurate.  This book is full of banter, heart, and steam - if you're like me, you'll finish this book wishing it was longer!  4.5 stars


  1. Awww, Get Lucky sounds like a real gem of a book. Adding that one to my TBR. :)

  2. The cover of The Rehearsals also makes it seem to be a funny and lighthearted romance. Too bad that it wasn't. Get Lucky on the other hand seems really hilarious. I love the sound of it!

  3. Get Lucky sounds like such a fun opposites attract romance.

  4. Get Lucky sounds really good! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  5. I am sad to see The Rehearsals was not great. I had high hopes for that one. Get Lucky was new to me, and your review had me checking it out more. It was free on Amazon, so I downloaded. Sounds fun to me.

  6. Get Lucky sounds really cute. I am always on the hunt for a compelling read filled with witty banter. Thanks for putting this one on my radar!

  7. Get Lucky does sound like a lot of fun! Bummer about the other one- time loop stories do sometimes get my interest but sounds like that one just had a bit too much heaviness/ unrealistic baggage- that's a shame.

  8. I love the way you make Get Lucky sound! It made me WANT TO READ IT NOW! So sad my TBR is huge, but I will add it to the never ending pile!


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