
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Heard It In A Love Song

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Tracey Garvis Graves
Expected publication date: November 2, 2021
From the bestselling author of The Girl He Used to Know comes a love song of a story about starting over and second chances.

Love doesn’t always wait until you’re ready.

Layla Hilding is thirty-five and recently divorced. Struggling to break free from the past—her glory days as the lead singer in a band and a ten-year marriage to a man who never put her first—Layla’s newly found independence feels a lot like loneliness.

Then there’s Josh, the single dad whose daughter attends the elementary school where Layla teaches music. Recently separated, he’s still processing the end of his twenty-year marriage to his high school sweetheart. He chats with Layla every morning at school and finds himself thinking about her more and more.

Equally cautious and confused about dating in a world that favors apps over meeting organically, Layla and Josh decide to be friends with the potential for something more. Sounds sensible and way too simple—but when two people are on the rebound, is it heartbreak or happiness that’s a love song away? - from Goodreads

I think this is going to be a really relatable story for a lot of readers!


  1. I love that these two very different people find their way to each other.

  2. I love this and it sounds so cute! I love how they're both people who have been in such long-term relationships and are now recovering from that! Another book for my TBR!

  3. I have this on my TBR and it is sure getting a lot of attention on Bookstagram

    Here is my link:

  4. I really like the sound of this books! Also love stories about single dads so it just all sounds great!

    1. I don't read a lot of single dad stories, so this should be interesting!

  5. I didn't click the widget for this (I had too many obligations), but I do hope to read it. I like Graves' books.

  6. I have really enjoyed Graves' books in the past, so I have my eye on this one! Great pick!

  7. I really like the creativity of the cover. The book sounds good too. Thanks for sharing, off to look it up!

  8. This is making me think of a 70's song... :)

  9. This is one of my most highly anticipated releases this year. I've had the arc for a couple months now but keep putting it off till closer to release date. But I am super excited for it!

  10. This sounds like such a sweet story! I am already rooting for these characters! :)

  11. I'm really excited for this one too and agree that it's going to be a relatable story for so many.


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