
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Month in Review: November 2020


It seems like so long ago already, but the election happened in November!  Tom and I were glued to the TV for days, watching for updates and taking in all the craziness.  I just hope that come January, things will have calmed down and inauguration day will be peaceful.

After six months of working from home at my new job, I finally made my way into the office one day for a few hours to get my laptop tuned up.  There weren't a lot of people there, since most of us are still working from home, so it was really quiet, but I managed to get a few things done and then did some shopping for our company's holiday charitable giving initiatives!

We spent a quiet Thanksgiving at my mom's house, and my sister's family joined us, too.  We had all our traditional foods, and Tom concocted a delicious sangria.  

I did a lot of online Christmas shopping in November and a little bit in person.  The only people I have left are Tom and my dad - is it just me, or are men impossible to shop for??

I participated in my first readathon - I completed 9 books and novellas for the Ho-Ho-Ho Readathon.  It was a lot of fun and a great way to start the holiday season!


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  1. I don't know if it was just me but November felt sooo long. Hope you'll have a great December!

  2. I am so glad November is over! I'm ready for the next year!

    1. Me, too! Although I am looking forward to Christmas!

  3. November seemed like it was an entire year long! At least you read some good books... I especially enjoyed Inheritance by Dani Shapiro. And yes, men are impossible to buy for!

    1. Ha, glad I'm not the only one who feels that way!

  4. Great job on the HoHoHo! I only read one lolol... but it did jumpstart my holiday reading so that's a plus! Holidaze has such a neat cover.

    I see there's a Dash and Lily show now on Netflix, I'm kinda curious about that!

  5. It is not just you--men really are impossible to shop for! I have something for all the people I need to shop for except my husband, haha, go figure. And in the moment November felt fast to me, but looking back I am surprised at how much was jam packed into it...
    Looks like you read a nice variety of books this month! How to Be a Tudor is one I'm really curious about.

    1. It was an interesting read! Good luck in the search for a Christmas gift for your hubby!

  6. You’re right, men are impossible to shop for. My dad will have to share my mom’s gift because I have no idea what to get him. Also, it’s hard to believe the election was a month ago. It feels like it was a year ago. Happy December!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yep, we went to do that, too - joint gifts for my dad and stepmom!

  7. I see some books I really enjoyed on your read list. Hope you enjoyed them too.

  8. I'm glad you guys had a great Thanksgiving. I agree--men are impossible to shop for! I just got my husband a monthly craft beer membership. I was completely out of ideas. I loved Dash and Lily. I want to watch the new show! I can't wait to read Holidaze-hopefully in the next few days!

    1. Oh, that's a good idea! There was a beef jerky one I was looking at awhile ago...

      Yes, I need to add Dash & Lily to my watch list!

  9. Isn't the latest by Louise Penny so good? You had a great month! Once Upon a Christmas sounds fun

    1. Her books are so, so good - I look forward to them every year!

  10. You're doing WAY better than I in regards to reading (I think I read one book in November??) and Christmas shopping. I still have WAY more of that left that I'd like. Hope you find the perfect gifts for the guys in your life (I know that struggle). :)

  11. Yes, I have a nearly impossible time shopping for the men on my list. Well done on the HoHoHo Readathon!


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