
Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Float Plan

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!
Trish Doller
Expected publication date: March 2, 2021
Critically acclaimed author Trish Doller's unforgettable and romantic adult debut about setting sail, starting over, and finding yourself...

Since the loss of her fiancé, Anna has been shipwrecked by grief—until a reminder goes off about a trip they were supposed to take together. Impulsively, Anna goes to sea in their sailboat, intending to complete the voyage alone.

But after a treacherous night’s sail, she realizes she can’t do it by herself and hires Keane, a professional sailor, to help. Much like Anna, Keane is struggling with a very different future than the one he had planned. As romance rises with the tide, they discover that it’s never too late to chart a new course.

In Trish Doller’s unforgettable Float Plan, starting over doesn't mean letting go of your past, it means making room for your future. - from Goodreads

This sounds like it's going to be full of emotions and love!


  1. Oh this just sounds so good and like you said full of emotions. I love the sound of it. The cover is really cute too. ^_^

  2. Oh lovely is this -- and that cover!!

  3. I am a fan of Doller's and am excited to read an adult book by her. I anticipate good things

    1. I haven't read anything else by her, and I'm excited!

  4. This sounds like a perfect read for the new year! I will have to watch for it!

  5. I've really enjoyed Trish Doller's books in the past. Thanks for putting this on my radar!

  6. Oh, this sounds like both an emotional and lovely read!

  7. Oh this looks fun! Love that cover!

  8. I've not read anything by this author but I've heard good things, so this sounds like a must-read to me, especially since I got all emotional just reading that synopsis, lol.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!