
Monday, December 7, 2020

Battle of the Book Covers #1

I've been trying to come up with ideas for new features for awhile, and I recently found some inspiration from Heather at Random Redheaded Ramblings, who put together a list of 25 book blog post ideas.  One of her ideas was to look at all the international covers of a book and pick a favorite.  I thought this was a great idea - I love seeing how the same book is given a new feel and look in various countries around the world.  So, in this new feature, I'll pick one book, compile a bunch of different covers, and choose my favorite - and I'd love for you to weigh in, too!

The first book I'm looking at is The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid - the original US hardcover is so bold and striking, can anything beat it?

2017 US Hardcover // 2018 US Paperback // 2020 Spanish

2019 Croatian // 2019 French

2019 Portuguese // 2019 Polish

This is a really hard one!  I like how most of the covers are pretty consistent, with shades of green and a dazzling dress.  Although I love the mysterious feel of the 2019 Polish edition, I think my favorite is...

The 2018 US paperback version!  It's just so dramatic!

Which one is your favorite?
* This post contains affiliate links; I earn a small commission on qualifying purchases.


  1. I love most of the covers for Evelyn Hugo but I really am partial to the original US hardcover version. So gorgeous!

  2. Ooooh I really like the Polish cover. I love the color of it so much!

  3. I love book cover features. These are nice, I think my faves are the 2018 US paperback, the Croatian one I really like the French one.

    1. I feel like they all have elements that I love - I kind of like that the French one is so different!

  4. What a fun feature! I love the 2018 US paperback and 2020 Spanish versions.

    1. I do love the symmetry of the Spanish version!

  5. I used to do mini things like this YEARS ago, and it's SO FUN. I love looking at different designs and how they differ. :)

  6. I agree the US paperback is gorgeous!! I love this post!

  7. Ooh, I love this idea! I think I have to agree with you about the 2018 US Paperback, it is extremely dramatic and I love the focus on the full body of the dress and the green, with just a hint of her face. I find it really interesting how prominent the green dress seems to be on a lot of editions, but others completely get rid of the green element--it always makes me curious what the international audiences are like and what they prefer!

    1. Exactly! I'd love to know what kind of factors play into these decisions.

  8. I really want to know what role the green dress plays in this; it’s gorgeous!

    1. Green is her signature color, and I really love how so many of these covers capture that!

  9. Fun feature! I'm partial to the U.S. paperback mainly because it's the one I own, but I love all of the ones with that bright green dress. I just love that dramatic pop of color.

  10. I love the paperback cover! Gorgeous! That color green is one of my favorites.

    1. The combo of that dress and that color really is stunning!

  11. Love this idea, and I agree on your winner, although Spanish edition is very striking too!

    1. There are so many good ones, it was a really hard choice!

  12. I love this post! The cover that I like the best is the 2020 Spanish one :)

    1. Thanks, Esther! I really like that one, too!

  13. The covers with the green dress are definitely eye-catching.

  14. Both US covers are my favorites. There is another book that looks a lot like the Spanish one. I think the dress is red on that cover. The Polish isn't bad either

    1. The Polish one is really striking, the color is really cool!

  15. I think I like that one too. Or the Spanish one. I think the only one I don't care for is the French version. It's kind of boring.

    1. I think the French one is pretty, but doesn't really represent the book well!

  16. Oh, such a fun feature! For me, it's a tie between the 2017 US Hardcover and 2018 US Paperback. But I really like almost all of these :) My least favorite though is the French one, it just doesn't really feel like Evelyn Hugo to me.

    1. Agreed! It's pretty but doesn't really capture Evelyn's big personality.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!