
Monday, August 31, 2020

Month in Review: August 2020

August just flew by - I can't believe September (and fall!!) are right around the corner!  It was a pretty quiet month.  Tom and I both continue to work at home.  Sometimes I feel like I'll never wear real work clothes again!  

One of my brothers held a birthday party for his kids this month; their birthdays were actually in April, but obviously they had to hold off on a party.  They held it at a day camp that my brother and his wife work at - very small, family only, outdoors.  We all got temperature-checked before we went in and wore masks for a bit.  Thankfully, it was a nice day and everyone got to enjoy the pools.  It was the first time in a long time we'd all been together in person, so that was nice.

One of my favorite authors, Fiona Davis, released a new book this month (The Lions of Fifth Avenue), so I attended a virtual event with the New York Public Library, where the book also happens to take place!  Fiona is a great and engaging speaker and I always love attending her events.

Tom celebrated a milestone birthday this month (his 40th, shhh, he won't want people to know!).  He's been wanting to go to a Renaissance Faire for awhile, so we decided way back at the beginning of the year to go to the New York one to celebrate, but of course, it was cancelled.  We ended up spending a quiet weekend at home (what else is new?).  I feel bad that we couldn't do something special, but hopefully things will start easing up in the next couple months and maybe we'll be able to do something then.

The Books

The Posts and Reviews

How are YOU doing?


  1. So many books here that I want to read! i look forward to your thoughts on Overseas, One night at the Lake and Honey Don't List. Overseas is the only Williams novel I haven't read! You had a great month of reading!

    1. Thanks, Christina! Overseas is an interesting book, not my favorite by her but still a good read!

  2. Too bad about the Renaissance Faire being canceled. I would love to go to one someday but I doubt we have those here in Belgium. I've never heard of one being held anywhere near me, at least.

    1. We found one that's only about an hour from us, so hopefully next year we'll be able to go!

  3. I wonder if the ren faire you are talking about is the one I always saw commercials for as a kid. I wanted to go to there. I hope maybe you can have a re-do and visit next year. I was laughing about the clothes thing. I was recently thinking about trying on my work pants to make sure they still fit. I am sure when they call us back, I will be among the first wave, because I cannot do my own job outside of the office.

    1. Probably, since it's so close to our area!

      I had actually gotten some new clothes earlier this year since I got the new job, and then I never got to wear them!

  4. Good to hear what you've been up to. Nice that you got to see your family and I also hope that next year we can all celebrate birthdays and anniversaries and other things by going outside of our homes for a bit. Your books read are great and I see several that I've read and enjoyed or want to read. Take care!

    1. Thanks so much, Kay! I've said to my husband that we should all do one big party at some point to celebrate all the milestones we've all missed together!

  5. Lots of good books this month! Crazy how fast the summer went though.

  6. I'm still working at home too and I swear at this point, it's going to be weird when we finally do go back. I like working in shorts and a t-shirt, lol. That Fiona Davis virtual event sounds really good.

    1. Haha, yes, it's definitely been nice to be dressed comfy while working!

  7. Looks like you had a great reading month!
    Haha I totally relate to the work clothes thing - I just started working back at the office and it's been both great and sad to wear 'real' clothes again :)
    I'd love to go to a Renaissance Fair someday too, hope you'll get to go to one soon and celebrate a little extra then!

    1. I know, it would be nice to wear something other than a tshirt and shorts, but, it's a lot of effort!

      Thanks, Lindsey!

  8. I feel the same way about my wardrobe. Wearing "real clothes" seems like a distant memory at this point. Plus, I did a big closet clean-out a month or two ago and got rid of everything that was now too big so I down to the bare basics. Good thing I have nowhere to go! lol

    1. Haha, right? I have the opposite problem, I gained some weight during quarantine and now I'm afraid nothing fits!

  9. That must have been nice seeing family. You always read so many books in a month. What is your secret? I hope you enjoy your September <3

    1. Thanks, Alicia! Haha, no secret, really! I just have a lot of free time, and I try to do audiobooks to fill in time when I can't read a physical book.


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