
Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: My Most-Read Authors

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is authors we've read the most books by.  This was an interesting topic - I had an idea of some of them, but others were a total surprise!

Louise Penny - 15

Sophie Kinsella - 15

Kristin Hannah - 12

Beatriz Williams - 11

Philippa Gregory - 10

Emily Giffin - 10

Diana Gabaldon - 9

Barbara Delinsky - 9

Liane Moriarty - 8

Taylor Jenkins Reid - 7

Do we have any in common?


  1. It's when to see which authors you've read the most, especially if some were surprising!

  2. I agree with Stephanie, it's surprising to see which ones you've read the most of! It's kind of illuminating, this TTT!

  3. We have a lot in common! Taylor Jenkins Reid, Gabaldon, Williams, and Gregory would definitely make my list!

  4. Great list! We do not have any common, which I find intriguing honestly. I have read many of the authors on your list, just not as many as you. I think this was such a fun topic this week. It was an exploration of 20 odd years of reading for me. :)

  5. I am clocking 20 from Kinsella, though I have yet to read her Wickham books. I have read all but one of Moriarty's books. I keep putting off her latest, because I have seen meh reviews. I don't want it to ruin my impression of her.

    1. I actually didn't think her newest book was nearly as bad as others have thought. I enjoyed it!

  6. Great list, thanks for sharing! I had no idea Taylor Jenkins Reid had written more than Daisy Jones and Evelyn Hugo! Will go looking for those now!

    My TTT is here

  7. Several of my favorites are on your list! Taylor Jenkins Reid and Kristin Hannah are two that I really love.

    1. Yes, TJR has definitely become a favorite of mine!

  8. Louise Penny for the win! I love the Gamache series, so much that I'm reading it slowly so I can savor it. I'm on #11, I think. I also enjoy Moriarty, although her newer books haven't been as good as her older ones, in my opinion. I've also enjoyed Hannah's blockbusters. Great list!

    Happy TTT!

    1. Thanks, Susan! The Gamache series is so good, can't wait for the next installment in September!

  9. Louise Penny would top my list - maybe not with the most books, but all her books. I've read and reread them. I've sampled most of the authors on your list, but Liane Moriarty is probably the one I've read the most of. I used to read Barbara Delinsky way, way back when she wrote for Harlequin and have since read other books by her.

    1. Yes, I was a little surprised that Barbara Delinsky ended up in my list, because I haven't read her in awhile!

  10. Great list. Sophie Kinsella has written a TON of books. I really enjoyed the books I read by Liane Moriarty and Taylor Jenkins Reid. Here's my TTT list.

    1. Yes, Sophie Kinsella has a huge amount of books! I think I've read most of them!

  11. Ooh Liane Moriarty. I haven't read anything by her in a couple of years. And Taylor Jenkins Reid I've only read one book by her but thought it was really good!

    1. It's been a couple years for Moriarty - I think she's due for another one!

  12. We have a lot in common! TJR, Louise Penny and Liane Moriarty are I think the only authors where I've read every one of their books so far.

    1. Well, you probably only have Emily Giffin to catch up on!

  13. Oh man, I used to love me some Kinsella! I'm really excited for Love Your Life this fall.

  14. I did not realize Philippa Gregory had been so busy! I've read a few Kinsellas but nothing else on this list except Barbara Delisnky's Escape. I like that a lot, though, and I'm pleasantly surprised to see her name on your list, because she hasn't come up much yet for someone with such a large body of work.

    1. Philippa Gregory has a ton of books! I actually haven't read Delinsky in awhile, but I've enjoyed her books in the past.

  15. Wow, this is impressive. I struggled with my list because I haven't read many books by the same author since before I started blogging. My goal is to read all of TJR's and Kristin Hannah's books some day though.

    1. I would definitely say read all of TJR's books. They're so good! Hannah I think has too many books for me to try to catch up on! But I do agree, I'm more inclined now to read a variety of authors.

  16. I think my most read author is Rick Riordan because he has SO MANY books! And I love them all haha

    1. I've read a few of his books, but never actually finished a series! They are really good, though!

  17. I'd be interested to see that!

  18. Philippa Gregory is probably a big one for me as well, and I think Beatriz William will slowly continue to creep up there. It totally is a shock sometimes to realize how many books by the same author you've read! I think it's pretty neat how many you've read by these authors, it definitely shows that the author is consistent enough to keep reading.

    1. Absolutely! I knew Beatriz Williams had a lot of books, but even I was a little surprised - and I still have a couple more to go!

  19. Taylor Jenkins Reid and Kristin Hannah are both authors I want to read more often. I’ve really liked what I’ve read from them so far.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  20. Great list! A lot of these are authors I haven't read that many books by yet, but I did love what I read and am eager to try more - like Taylor Jenkins Reid, Lianne Moriarty and Sophie Kinselle!


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