
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Can't-Wait Wednesday: What You Wish For

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

What You Wish For
Katherine Center
Expected publication date: July 14, 2020
From Katherine Center, the New York Times bestselling author of How to Walk Away comes a stunning new novel full of heart and hope.

Samantha Casey loves everything about her job as an elementary school librarian on the sunny, historic island of Galveston, Texas—the goofy kids, the stately Victorian building, the butterfly garden. But when the school suddenly loses its beloved principal, it turns out his replacement will be none other than Duncan Carpenter—a former, unrequited crush of Sam’s from many years before.

When Duncan shows up as her new boss, though, he’s nothing like the sweet teacher she once swooned over. He’s become stiff, and humorless, and obsessed with school safety. Now, with Duncan determined to destroy everything Sam loves about her school in the name of security—and turn it into nothing short of a prison—Sam has to stand up for everyone she cares about before the school that’s become her home is gone for good. - from Goodreads
I love the cover, I love the premise, I love the setting - I think this is going to be a great read!


  1. Oh, I like this premise and the cover too -- and I most definitely want to know what happened to Duncan to make him such a stick in the mud.

  2. This sounds like a great read! I really like the sound of it and I'm already intrigued!

  3. I'm excited for this one too. So far I've read two of her books and they were both five star reads for me. Hoping this one will be too since the premise sounds so good.

  4. I really liked this book. Center always brings a lot of beautiful themes to this book, and for me, the standout theme was choosing joy. I think it's something that we need to remember right now.

  5. I'm looking forward to reading this one too.

  6. It sounds good! It's rare that a book focuses on education in this way, so I am definitely interested!

  7. Pretty cover and I hope you love it!

  8. So looking forward to this one - her last two books were hits for me.

  9. I am reading this one right now and I can confirm that it is fantastic! I am about halfway through and it is just really starting to heat up. I hope that you love it! :)

  10. I only started hearing about Center this year but I see so many raves for her books.

    1. Yes, definitely, people seem to love her books!


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