
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Quotables, The Love Edition

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is a love freebie, so I thought it would be fun to list some of my favorite quotes about love!

“I know part of our story is the electricity of our connection, but the other part is equally miraculous.  It’s the simple fact that you walked into my life at the exact moment you did. You instead of someone else.  In some ways, isn’t that even more incredible than the connection itself? That we found each other at all?” - Blake Crouch, Dark Matter

“Sweetheart, I’m telling you, you love someone like that, you love them the right way, and no time would be enough.  Doesn’t matter if you had thirty years,” she tells me, “It wouldn’t be enough.” - Taylor Jenkins Reid, Forever, Interrupted

“Wanting to find love does not make someone weak; it’s not a character flaw.  Life is hard, and grueling, and having someone root for you and travel beside you is a gift that anyone in the world would be lucky to have.  I’m not saying that people can’t be happy or fulfilled on their own; of course they can. But being open to the possibility of love doesn’t make you weak; it actually makes you strong.”  Crystal Cestari, The Best Kind of Magic

“Love can be an excellent motivator for change.  Falling in love can help us to see the things in life that are truly important.  It can make us want to be better people. It can teach us to sacrifice what is in our own best interest for the sake of someone else.” - Cynthia Hand, The Afterlife of Holly Chase

“Love does that.  It makes you feel infinite and invincible, like the whole world is open to you, anything is achievable, and each day will be filled with wonder.” - Jill Santopolo, The Light We Lost

“Love me when I’m at my worst.  Love me when you don’t agree with me, and when this no longer feels new and surprising.  Love me through it all.” - Camille Pagan, Forever is the Worst Long Time

You are not entitled to me, just because you love me.  And not just because I love you back.  You have to keep on earning that love, every day, again and again and again.” - Bethany Chase, Results May Vary

‘You are in love,’ he said, ‘for that is exactly how love feels.  It is the lifting of a mask, the revealing of one’s true self to another, and the forced acceptance, the awful awareness that the other person may never feel the same way.’ - Kate Morton, The Clockmaker’s Daughter

She fondly recalled the moment when the butterflies disappeared, when she was able to smile to herself and know that this wasn’t a case of falling in love; it was love.  She wasn’t a high school student swept up in romance; she was a puzzle piece that had found the match to interlock beside it.” - Yoav Blum, The Coincidence Makers

Do any of these resonate with you?


  1. Great list! I've heard so many good things about Dark Matter, I need to give it a try.

  2. Ahh, the quotes from Camille P and Bethany C are just perfect!

  3. I never collect quotes like I did before I was blogging, but it's great to read people's lists.

    1. I don't collect a ton, but it's nice to have them around!

  4. Love these! I really want to read The Light We that quote!

  5. I love that you did quotes. What a great idea! Do you keep a collection of quotes as you read or go back and find them when you do something like this?

    1. Thanks, Susie! I actually keep a Word document of them!

  6. Awesome quotes! I’m reading a Taylor Jenkins Reid book right now and loving it. I need to pick up more ASAP.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  7. Nice list. Do you have a document somewhere where you put all the quotes you like?
    I'm not good at keeping track of these.
    Even though I was disappointed by this book, this quote by Morton is so true

    1. Yes, I do keep a list of them! I do a feature called "Quotables," too!

  8. Great take on the topic, Angela. :) I love the quote from Forever, Interrupted. Oh my goodness, that one broke my heart.

    1. Thanks, Tanya! Yes, that was quite the emotional read!

  9. I did a quote themed post this week, too! You picked some great quotes for yours.

    My TTT .

  10. Love the quote from The Light We Lost! That's on my TBR! Great topic!

    My TTT!

  11. All these quotes are pretty amazing but I especially love the one from Forever is the Worst Long Time. ♥

  12. I love the Camille Pagan quote! And the Crystal Cestari one, those books were just cute overall :)

  13. Great list.

  14. There are some great romance quotes out there! I love that one from Dark Matter. Such a powerful read, and so thought provoking. I haven't read that TJR book but I liked her Maybe In Another Life quite a bit.

    1. There really are! That quote from Dark Matter really showed me that this book was more than just sci-fi, it really was kind of a love story! And I just think that quote is so true, too.

  15. Wow I love these. My favorite love quote that I heard just today is "You are more dangerous than daybreak" a vampire talking to a human he's falling for, from Coldest Girl in Coldtown. I don't know why but I love it.

    Ash @ JennReneeRead

  16. hey Angela sarah is here..! well awesome list you share & i appreciate for your great work here.. well i write short poems Goodbye Poems but somehow,I get some time for reading books & you give me some great books so definitely i need to give it a try Dark Matter. :) thanks for sharing..

  17. Great topic choice! I love seeing people sharing quotes because it's such an easy way to get to know each other. Words that connect and all that jazz.

  18. These are all so good. My favorite is the Taylor Jenkins Reid one. It's so true.

  19. Awww! That Taylor Jenkins Reid quite is lovely. Makes me all the more aware I should read one of her books. :)

  20. Wow, these quotes are beautiful! That Kate Morton one is so bittersweet, I really like it. The ones from The Afterlife of Holly Chase and The Best King of Magic also really stand out to me--it makes me want to read those books!

    1. That's the perfect way to describe the Kate Morton quote!

  21. The Clockmaker's Daughter wasn't my favourite Kate Morton - but I do distinctly remember that quote. I like The Light We Lost quote you've shared (never read the book though).

    In my most recent post about time travel romance books I shared a couple of love quotes also, including one of my new favourite love quotes: '"Someone very wise told me that we keep the people we love in our hearts. We never lose them as long as we can remember how it felt to be loved by them."' from What The Wind Knows by Amy Harmon.

    Great topic!

    1. I LOVE time travel romances! I haven't read What The Wind Knows, but I'll have to check it out - and I love that quote!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!