
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Can't-Wait Wednesday: He Started It

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

He Started It
Samantha Downing
Expected publication date: April 28, 2020
Beth, Portia, and Eddie Morgan haven't all been together in years. And for very good reasons—we'll get to those later. But when their wealthy grandfather dies and leaves a cryptic final message in his wake, the siblings and their respective partners must come together for a cross-country road trip to fulfill his final wish and—more importantly—secure their inheritance.

But time with your family can be tough. It is for everyone.

It's even harder when you're all keeping secrets and trying to forget a memory—a missing person, an act of revenge, the man in the black truck who won't stop following your car—and especially when at least one of you is a killer and there's a body in the trunk. Just to name a few reasons.

But money is a powerful motivator. It is for everyone. - from Goodreads
Samantha Downing's books have the most deliciously twisted blurbs!  This just sounds too fun to pass up!


  1. I love the sound of this! Great pick.

    Anika |

  2. Oh i agree, lots of potential for twisty goodness in this one!

  3. Wow! That cover has me conjuring up quite a story in my head. Hope it delivers all the delicious drama it promises.

  4. Oh wow! I have never read this author--it sounds intense, but fun! Thanks for putting this one on my radar.

  5. This does sound like an amazing, twisty read! That cover has me asking lots of questions! :)

  6. Looking forward to this one - her other book was nuts (in a good way)!

  7. Ooh, this sounds interesting. I like how complicated having a killer in their midst is when it could be a family member. enjoy!
    My Can't-Wait Wednesday post

  8. Okay dang! Definitely didn't expected that synopsis when I saw the cover. Sounds super intriguing!

  9. Wow, what a premise. Sounds exciting. And I like that cover. :)

  10. Oh yes!! I need to add this one to my wishlist!

    My CWW

  11. This sounds so good! I need more thrillers in my reading life so adding to my TBR right now.


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