
Monday, November 11, 2019

Nonfiction November: Be The Expert - The Nature Edition

Week 3 of Nonfiction November is hosted by Katie at Doing Dewey, and this week's theme is Be the Expert/Ask the Expert/Become the Expert.  In the past, I've mostly asked for recommendations during this week of #NonficNov - this year, I'm going to try being the expert! 

If you peruse my blog a little, you can see that I love the outdoors, so that's where I'm going to take inspiration from.  Nature can be a wonderful, beautiful thing - but it can also be terrifying and dangerous.  This collection of books touches on the dual nature of... well, nature!


The Ledge: Two friends are climbing Mount Rainier when they fall into a crevasse, leaving one fatally injured and one struggling to survive.

Dead Mountain: The author tries to piece together what happened to a group of hikers who mysteriously died in the Ural Mountains.

The Perfect Storm: A nor'easter tears through the Atlantic, leaving death and destruction in its wake.

Into Thin Air: A journalist describes his first-hand account of a devastating climbing expedition on Mt. Everest.


Braving It: A father guides his daughter through the Alaskan wilderness.

Isaac's Storm: The author pieces together a deadly hurricane that hit Galveston, Texas in 1900.

In Harm's Way: A story of survival after the USS Indianapolis is torpedoed in the South Pacific during WWII.

Have you read any of these?


  1. I haven't yet found the right survival story to keep my attention I think -- this is quite a selection and I'll enjoy chasing up more info on them!

  2. My mom and I read Into Thin Air together one year - so good and so tragic! It is a book and story that has stayed with me, and I am fascinated by Everest now. Braving It is for sure going on my list as well. Thanks for this great list!

    1. You're welcome! Yes, I read Into Thin Air years ago and I still think about it!

  3. I love nature books too. I’ve read Into Thin Air. I have Dead Mountain and Braving It on my TBR list. I’ll get to them someday.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  4. Wow! I did nature books, too. I read and loved In Thin Air, The Perfect Storm, and Isaac's Storm. Great list!

  5. I've read two of your outdoor adventure books, Into Thin Air and The Perfect Storm. I really liked both of those, so may need to read more. Did you read The River by Peter Heller earlier this year? It's fiction, but fits perfectly into this category. If not, I think you'd love it.

  6. The Perfect Storm is the only one of these I've read, but I loved that one. Every time I see Into Thin Air at the bookstore, I'm tempted to grab a copy because I've heard that it's a great read.

    1. Oh, it's so good! I've never seen anyone say they haven't loved it!

  7. I love nature nonfiction like these books! I've only read Dead Mountain and Into Thin Air and both were so captivating! The Ledge, The Perfect Storm---well actually, all of these--look fascinating! Definitely adding these to the TBR.

  8. I bet these are all super interesting!

  9. I haven't read these, but you might also enjoy The Worst Hard Time, on the Dust Bowl:
    More recenly, I have read Unseen City, about nature in cities, amazing book:
    And my theme is nature related: birds!

  10. I haven't read any of these, but do agree that nature is a dangerous place and a great backdrop for survival books.

    1. It really is, there's just so much out there, I can't even comprehend some of the things that can happen.

  11. These look like a fantastic group of books. Thanks for sharing!

  12. So many good ones here! Into Thin Air and Isaac's Storm are two of my favorites - unbelievable stories, yet terrifying at the same time.

  13. I'm not much of an outdoors person but I think these would be interesting for sure!

  14. I started reading Dead Mountain and never finished it! I definitely need to dive back in soon because it was fascinating!

  15. I've had some of the books from the first on my TBR as well, that kind of fascinates me.

  16. I’d love to read all of these, Angela! I think you did a great job, expert!

  17. Wow! All of your books sound so intense! Into Thin Air keeps popping up everywhere...I guess I'm meant to read it soon!

    1. Even though it's an older book, I still see it everywhere!

  18. Oh my goodness, we couldn’t be more different when it comes to the outdoors, Angela. :) I am so not an outdoorsy person. It’s even a joke among my family that I don’t “do” the outside. LOL So I don’t gravitate toward books about nature. But I’ve heard of several of these... maybe that counts? :)

  19. I'm really looking forward to Into Thin Air!

  20. Another nature list - YES! I've read a few of the books you've mentioned, and got my eye on a couple of other also. Thanks for sharing!

  21. I’m not an outdoorsy person but I am Intrigued by some of these titles.
    You might be interested in Black Saturday by Peg Fraser, about one of the worst bushfires in Australia

    Thanks for sharing your list, please stop by to see mine

  22. I haven't read any of these but I loved Krakauer's Into the Wild, so I may pick up Braving It. I love the idea of reading about the power of nature. Another favorite on that topic is The Johnstown Flood, by David McCullough, about one of the deadliest US floods.

  23. I love both books and movies on natural disasters, even movies of dubious quality :) Great list! I think I've already added both Dead Mountain and Isaac's Storm to my list after reading your reviews.

    1. Me, too, I love a good disaster movie!

      Thank you, that's great to hear!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!