
Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Wicked Redhead

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

The Wicked Redhead (The Wicked City #2)
Beatriz Williams
Expected publication date: December 10, 2019
In this follow-up to The Wicked City, New York Times bestselling author Beatriz Williams combines past and present in this delicious Jazz Age adventure featuring a saucy redheaded flapper, the square-jawed Prohibition agent who loves her, and a beautiful divorcee trying to remake her life in contemporary New York.

New York City, 1998: When Ella Gilbert discovers her banker husband is cheating on her, she loses both her marriage and the life she knew. In her new apartment in an old Greenwich Village building, she's found unexpected second love with Hector, a musician who lives upstairs. And she's discovered something else, just as surprising—a connection to the mesmerizing woman scandalously posed in a vintage photograph titled Redhead Beside Herself.

Florida, 1924: Geneva "Gin" Kelly, a smart-mouthed flapper from Appalachia, barely survived a run-in with her notorious bootlegger stepfather. She and Oliver Anson, a Prohibition agent she has inconveniently fallen in love with, take shelter in Cocoa Beach, a rum-running haven. But the turmoil she tried to leave behind won't be so easily outrun. Anson's mother, the formidable Mrs. Marshall, descends on Florida with a proposition that propels Gin back to the family's opulent New York home, and into a reluctant alliance. Then Anson disappears during an investigation, and Gin must use all her guile and courage to find him.

Two very different women, separated by decades. Yet as Ella tries to free herself from her ex, she is also hunting down the truth about the captivating, wicked Redhead in her photograph—a woman who loved and lived fearlessly. And as their link grows, she feels Gin urging her on, daring her to forge her own path, wherever it leads. - from Goodreads
I will read ANYTHING that Beatriz Williams writes; her books always have amazing female characters, and I'm excited to see where Gin Kelly heads next!


  1. Oh my, I don't know this author and from your post, I most definitely should! Also Ella and Gin both sound like such amazing characters!

    1. She writes some really fun, sassy female characters!

  2. Jazz Age adventure?! I am really intrigued. I hope that you love it! :)

  3. Haven't read this author yet, but have heard good things. Hope you get this one soon!
    Check out my Wednesday post

  4. This sounds so good, I really need to check out the first book and soon!

    My CWW

  5. I enjoy historical fiction but I haven’t read too much from this time period. Looks very interesting, though!

  6. What a great title. It immediately catches my attention. Thanks for sharing because it does sound good as well.

  7. i really need to pick up more of her books

  8. I love when a favorite author releases new books, and it's a bonus to be able to continue a story you enjoyed.

  9. Oooh! I love the cover of this book! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  10. I just started this book the other day and it's very can always count on Beatriz! It took me awhile to remember book one in the series, but once I became familiar, the story took off!

  11. Sounds fun! I always hear good things about Beatriz Williams.

  12. This is an author I've been meaning to try for ages and still haven't gotten around to her books yet. They always sound so good.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!