
Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: My Fall TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  It's that time again - the week I post my seasonal TBR of books I may or may not get to in the next 3 months!  Honestly, there were so many books to choose from, I practically just chose these from a hat.  And it doesn't include any nonfiction, because I'm getting ready for Nonfiction November and trying to decide what my TBR for that month will be!  So, this is a mix of newer releases and backlist books; I also want to try to mix in some more books inspired by the season (i.e. light horror, creepy, eerie, or thrillers/mysteries).

What will you be reading this fall?


  1. I see so many rave reviews for Riley Sager but have yet to try one. I hope these are all hits for you!

    1. Btw, what do you use to make your book collages? (Please, please don't say PhotoShop. LOL) I'm not happy with the app I've been using... it's difficult to maintain the aspect so I end up getting partial book covers. Ugh.

    2. This will be my first Riley Sager book, so we'll see!

      I use the website Canva - they have lots of free images, but they also have these grid templates that are perfect for collages.

    3. Would you mind if I contacted you with a few questions about Canva? I use them for blog graphics now and then but I’ve had no luck with the collages. No matter what I try I just can’t get the sizing right.

    4. Of course! I am far from an expert, but hopefully I can help you out! My email is literarywanderer84 @ (without the spaces).

  2. These look great!

    Lotte |

  3. The Chelsea Girls and Bethlehem are both on my TBR list! I look forward to your thoughts on those books.

  4. I’ll have to look for your review of Bethlehem. I’m curious about that one. I hope you enjoy all these!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. I have an ARC of Bethhehen I hope is good! I also want to get to Circe ASAP! :)

  6. I really need to read Circe sometime, too.

    My TTT.

  7. A Better Man in fantastic! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I reviewed it for Criminal Element:

  8. I like seasonal stuff too- -slightly eerier reads this time of year. Circe and Lock Every Door look great to me (I keep seeing Riley Sager's stuff and it looks perfect for fall). Also I'd like to go back and read some of Liane Moriarty's older stuff that I haven't gotten to yet- I've liked almost everything by her that I've read.

    1. I seem to like her older stuff more than her newer stuff!

  9. You know I adored American Royals, but I really liked The Last Anniversary too. Moriarty's books have all been winners for me.

  10. Chelsea Girls is one I'm hoping I have time to fit in this fall. I can't wait to see what you think of Sager's book!

    1. I'm going to a Fiona Davis event in November, so I definitely want to get to it before then! This'll be my first Sager book!

  11. I read an excerpt from Midnight at the Blackbird cafe and it was good. I hope you like these!

  12. Awesome list! I am definitely looking forward to The Chelsea Girls and Lock Every Door. I hope my library gets American Royals too!

  13. A few of these are on my TBR, too. I really want to get to Lock Every Door soon.

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  14. Great list! I love Circe, it's so good, and I really like the cover of Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe. I'll have to check it out!

  15. Ah what a fantastic TBR! I'm so happy to see American Royals on here, I loved this book so much, I can't wait for you to read it and hopefully love it :)


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