
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Starless Sea

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

The Starless Sea
Erin Morgenstern
Expected publication date: November 5, 2019
From the New York Times bestselling author of The Night Circus, a timeless love story set in a secret underground world--a place of pirates, painters, lovers, liars, and ships that sail upon a starless sea.

Zachary Ezra Rawlins is a graduate student in Vermont when he discovers a mysterious book hidden in the stacks. As he turns the pages, entranced by tales of lovelorn prisoners, key collectors, and nameless acolytes, he reads something strange: a story from his own childhood. Bewildered by this inexplicable book and desperate to make sense of how his own life came to be recorded, Zachary uncovers a series of clues--a bee, a key, and a sword--that lead him to a masquerade party in New York, to a secret club, and through a doorway to an ancient library, hidden far below the surface of the earth.

What Zachary finds in this curious place is more than just a buried home for books and their guardians--it is a place of lost cities and seas, lovers who pass notes under doors and across time, and of stories whispered by the dead. Zachary learns of those who have sacrificed much to protect this realm, relinquishing their sight and their tongues to preserve this archive, and also those who are intent on its destruction.

Together with Mirabel, a fierce, pink-haired protector of the place, and Dorian, a handsome, barefoot man with shifting alliances, Zachary travels the twisting tunnels, darkened stairwells, crowded ballrooms, and sweetly-soaked shores of this magical world, discovering his purpose--in both the mysterious book and in his own life. - from Goodreads
I know I've mentioned on the blog more than once that The Night Circus is one of my favorite books of all time, so when I found out that Erin Morgenstern was finally releasing another book, I was so excited!  This story sounds just as magical and ethereal as her first, and I can't wait!


  1. I'm excited for this book too! I hope it lives up to the hype. It'll be hard to be as good as The Night Circus, tbh.

  2. This book has caught my attention recently, but I need to learn more about the author -- especially The Night Circus.

  3. I've seen this book around and it looks interesting! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  4. This is the first time I hear or read anything about it. Both, book and author are new to me, but I love the cover and the summary sounds absolutely thrilling. Thank you for sharing and happy reading.

  5. I can't wait for this either because of all the hype LOL I just bought The Night Circus because I felt I had to read that first LOL I know I don't but sometimes bookworms are silly :)

  6. I rarely go for the fantastical/magical, but even I am totally intrigued by this one.

  7. The Night Circus is one of my favorites too, and I am eager to read this one. I sure hope it's good! It sounds good. 😊 Have a great day!

  8. I can see why you picked this one, it sounds so good!

    My CWW

  9. Oh my word; I am right with you on this one! I want it so badly!!!!!!!! And I haven't even read Night Circus. I really need to. It is so many readers favorite!

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Angie! The Night Circus is such a one of a kind book!

  10. I hope you enjoy this one! I've started an ARC and it's super magical so far.

  11. This is one popular book. Hope it's good since there was so much time between it and The Night Circus!

  12. What an intriguing set up, and from what I heard about this author, she should be able to pull it off.

  13. This does sound like an incredible story! I have yet to read The Night Circus, but I have heard fantastic things. I hope that you love it. :)

  14. I absolutely loved The Night Circus, too and eagerly await The Starless Sea!

  15. This is one of the books I'm super excited about to <3 It sounds sooo magical and i absolutely loved The Night Circus :)


  16. The Night Circus is a favourite of mine also, so naturally I'm eagerly awaiting the release of this - so much so I preordered, which I rarely ever do!

    I hope you love this book when you do get to read it.

    1. Thanks, Jade! I hope you love it, too! I debated pre-ordering - I guess I still have time!

  17. I seen SO many things about The Night Circus, which in turn means the hype for this follow up to that one is getting all the excitement. Never read it, but I probably should it it a second look... :) Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland.

    1. Yes, it's very highly anticipated probably because there was such a long gap between books!

  18. I can't wait to read this one. I rarely ever pre-order books but I did pre-order a copy of this.

  19. This is such a great pick. I really enjoyed The Night Circus and am so, so curious to read this one, once again the world sounds mesmerizing. I hope you'll love it :)


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