
Monday, April 8, 2019

Tudor Queens Book Tag!

Jess at Jessticulates created her own original tag, called the Tudor Queens Book Tag!  Even before I saw that she tagged me to take part, I knew I wanted to give it a go myself, because I am a huge Tudor fan!  All graphics are courtesy of Jess!

Elizabeth of York: In Henry's Sisters, the siblings had a difficult childhood with their mother, leaving the sisters with myriad issues as adults.  They also thought their father was dead when he actually wasn't.  Henry is the only "normal" one in this family!

Katherine of Aragon: I'd been hearing about Red Rising around the blogosphere for awhile, so I figured I would try it.  Right from the start, I couldn't get into the world-building.  I thought about DNFing, but just ended up skimming most of the book.

Anne Boleyn: I really enjoyed The Nanny Diaries the first couple times I read it, but just don't feel a pull towards it anymore.  Plus, the sequel was pretty terrible.

Jane Seymour: Dear Mrs. Bird was a short, quick read that packed a lot of charm and heart.

Anne of Cleves: I had seen some god reviews of Rebel of the Sands, but I'll be honest, I mostly read it because I loved the cover!

Kathryn Howard: The romance in How to Walk Away wasn't so much forbidden as it was unethical.

Katherine Parr: The book-within-a-book in The Distant Hours feels so real, it makes me want to check the library catalog for it.

Lady Jane Grey: I really could have used an epilogue on this one!

Mary I: I wouldn't really burn Fifty Shades of Grey, I just think it was poorly written fan-fic that didn't really portray a particular lifestyle in the best way.

Elizabeth I: Princess Winter was one of the most intriguing characters in The Lunar Chronicles, and this book was the perfect ending to the series!

Consider yourself tagged if you'd like to do this one!


  1. This is the perfect tag for you! And LOL I would love to burn every copy of 50 Shades too.

    1. Yes, I was so excited about this tag! Haha, I think a lot of people would agree with you!

  2. Ooh I love the Tudors, what a fun tag! Dear Mrs. Bird just came in at my library and I can't wait to read it! These prompts are great, I loved reading this tag. :) I would very likely pick up Rebel of the Sands for that cover alone as well, haha.

    1. Jess was so creative with this! The prompts were a lot of fun.

  3. I had been eyeing Dear Miss Bird. I am all about the charm and heart. I may have to work that one in soon.

  4. What I fun book tag. I loved looking at your choices. (I'm not going to do it, but I love it!)

  5. This is so fun! Love it! I agree with you regarding The Distant Hours!

    1. Right?? I loved the way she tied the book into the mystery.

  6. Such a fun tag! I haven't finished Red Rising yet, I know it's hyped but I couldn't get into it either... maybe one day.

  7. Hahaha at Fifty Shades! I totally agree with you on that one!

  8. What a unique tag! I found Winter to be a really intriguing character as well.

    1. Even though it was the series ending, I thought Meyer did a great job rounding her out!

  9. Cool tag! Ahh - did you enjoy Rebel of the Sands? I love that trilogy. And I'm sad to hear about Red Rising - that one is on my TBR!

    1. I hope you enjoy Red Rising more than I did!

  10. This is such a cool tag! I do love the premise of Henry's Sister. I've been wanting to read The Lunar Chronicles for a long while :D

    Cam @ Camillea Reads

  11. Such a fun tag! I actually read Red rising ages ago and I think I mostly liked it. I have been meaning to reread so I can continue the series. I remember maybe 10% of it all lol!


    1. Haha, I know! It's already seeped out of my brain.

  12. ahha :D I love this tag I might try doing this this weekend.

  13. I felt the same way about Furyborn as you did about Red Rising. I didn't finish it nor did I DNF it. I just stopped reading it. I couldn't get into the world building. I am thinking I might give it another go now that I have some time to read it but I most likely will not do it.


    1. Yeah, I agree. There are at least a couple more books in the Red Rising series, but I have no desire to read them.

  14. Ahhh I don't know how I've only just seen this! Thanks so much for doing my tag, Angela. :D I love The Lunar Chronicles, and one of these days I really need to read some of Kate Morton's work.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!