
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Star-Crossed

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Minnie Darke
Expected publication date: May 1, 2019
Sometimes even destiny needs a little bit of help.

When childhood sweethearts Justine (Sagittarius and serious skeptic) and Nick (Aquarius and true believer) bump into each other as adults, a life-changing love affair seems inevitable. To Justine, anyway. Especially when she learns Nick is an astrological devotee, whose decisions are guided by the stars, and more specifically, by the horoscopes in his favorite magazine.  The same magazine Justine happens to write for. As Nick continues to not fall headlong in love with her, Justine decides to take Nick’s horoscope, and Fate itself, into her own hands. But, of course, Nick is not the only Aquarius making important life choices according to what is written in the stars.

Charting the ripple effects of Justine’s astrological meddling, STAR-CROSSED is a delicious, intelligent, and affecting love story about friendship, chance, and how we all navigate the kinds of choices that are hard to face alone. - from Goodreads
I think this just sounds adorable, and it's an interesting look at free will versus destiny in relationships.


  1. I totally agree with you! I love the concept and it does sound really adorable. I need to make sure that I have it on my TBR as well. Thanks for sharing it! :)

  2. This sounds so cute! I love the sort of fake-Agony-Aunt-style trope. 😊
    My Can't Wait Wednesday this week.

  3. I love free will vs destination in relationship stories, I never seem to get sick of that!

    1. I know, right? It really makes me think about my own life.

  4. This sounds super cute. I love the cover too!

  5. This sounds fun, and you know I love when the MCs have history.

  6. I read this recently and the cuteness and humour was off the charts! I hope you enjoy it when you get to it!

  7. This sounds so cute and perfect for the summertime!

  8. This one sounds so good! Thanks for sharing. :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  9. I love the cover!! I hope you enjoy this one :)

  10. Ohhhhh this sounds so cute, I love that cover too. Thank you for sharing, I need to add that one to my TBR :D

  11. I am a firm believer in destiny. I really think that it plays a part with most things in our lives - whether we believe it or not. =) One never knows. This does sound like a fun read. I will add it to my list! Great pick!


    1. I totally agree, Mary! Thanks, I hope you enjoy it!


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