
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: My First Ten Reviews

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl.  This week's topic is the first ten books we reviewed.  Gonna be honest, I considered not joining in this week because it can be kind of cringe-worthy to look back on my early posts, but it's also fun to relive the journey and see what I was reading three years ago!

The first book I reviewed on this blog was Code Name Verity!

Have you read any of these?


  1. Your first ten all look like good books! Loved Winter!

    1. They were a pretty good bunch to start with!

  2. Great list! I really, really need to cross Code Name Verity off my TBR soon - I've heard so many good things!

  3. My first reviews are very cringy. I’ve read Code Name Varity, Into Thin Air, and Wild.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Into Thin Air was my favorite of that bunch.

  4. I've read four of these—CODE NAME VERITY, INTO THIN AIR, THE NIGHTINGALE, and WINTER. I enjoyed all of them, especially THE NIGHTINGALE.

    Happy TTT!

  5. Winter was such a good one. I think that whole series might have been my first complete series of reviews on my blog.

  6. Into Thin Air is one of my favourites, and my husband in particular really loved it - he was never much of a reader, but the writing in this one was so exciting that it really helped change his mind about books!

  7. The Royal We was SOOOO GOOD! That was a hyped book I absolutely adored. The Nightingale, excuse me as I cry. Another one that was so good. I had wanted to read Verity, because I saw Wein on a panel, and she was incredible.

    1. I loved The Royal We, I'm such a sucker for royalty!

  8. You've got a pretty good variety of early reviews. :)

  9. This week was definitely a trip down memory lane. It's interesting to see how people's reading tastes have changed since they first start reviewing.

  10. It was definitely CRINGE for me! XD I see a few favorites on your list! I'd like to reread The Lunar Chronicles eventually.

  11. I cringed and I enjoyed the trip down memory lane too -- you reminded me I still need to read the Royal We!

  12. The first book I blogged about was on my old site. Over ten years ago now. The first one for my Stacking was - Marked by Elisabeth Naughton. =)
    I think I have to get the last one in the series too. I haven't read it and I think it is number 8 or 9 in that series.


  13. What a marvelously eclectic list of books! (That's a compliment.) I checked out a few of the reviews and honestly, you have nothing to cringe about. :-)

  14. I sadly did not read any of these. I love Kristin Hannah, but she wrecks my emotions.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!