
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

My Third Blogoversary & Giveaway!

It's a little hard to believe, but my blog is turning three years old today!  It went by so fast.  I'm the type of person who has lots of dreams and ideas, but never really makes them happen, so I'm so glad I took a chance and started this blog.  I've had a lot of fun and met so many new and wonderful people.

The blog has gone through many changes in three years - the look of it (it will never be perfect for me, but I think I've gotten it to a clean, stream-lined look), how I review books, new features.  It's also fun to look at how much my life has changed in the same time - our extended family has grown, we bought a house, I've changed jobs.  No matter what has happened, though, my love of books has only grown!

As a thank you to everyone who has supported me, I'm hosting a giveaway for a book of your choice worth up to $20.00 from The Book Depository, as long as it ships free to your country.  The giveaway will be open until May 4, 2019, and the winner will be notified by email, with three days to respond.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thank you and good luck!


  1. Congrats and Happy Blogoversary !! I've read so many good books this year it's hard to pick but Beartown was great.

  2. Happy blogiversary! I’m not sure what my favorite book is this year. Maybe The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl? Or When You Reach Me? I can’t choose!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks, Aj! I know, I've read quite a few good ones, too!

  3. Congratulations on three years! It's truly a great accomplishment.

  4. Happy blogoversary, Angela! I'm so happy I discovered your blog. My favorite book of the year so far is In the Full Light of the Sun by Clare Clark ♥

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Stephanie! I'm glad we've become blogging buddies! :-)

  5. Happy Anniversary! I am so proud of you!

  6. Happy Blogoversary!! Go you! You are awesome at it too!


  7. Happy blogoversary!! I think my favorite book so far has been The Wicked King (I also really enjoyed The Vanishing Stair), but it's been a slow year so far
    - Reese

  8. Congratulations, and happy blogoversary! May you continue loving books all your life, and blogging about them as long as it's fun!

    Hmm... I'm not sure I can pick a single "favorite book of the year so far," but Devil's Daughter by Lisa Kleypas is definitely in the running.

  9. Happy Blogoversary! I'm not sure what my favorite book is but I had fun reading The Fix by Sylvie Stewart.

  10. Happy blogoversary!!! ♥ My favorite book this year is Married by morning, by Lisa Kleypas :)

    1. Thanks, Celeste! You're the second person to mention Lisa Kleypas!

  11. Happy Blogoversary, Angela! Your blog is one of my favorites so I'm thrilled to see you hit this milestone and look forward to reading your posts for many years to come. :)

    It's hard to pick a favorite 2019 read because I've read several great ones, but I'm going to go with Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

    1. Aww, thank you so much, Suzanne! You were one of the first bloggers I really connected with, and I appreciate that!

      Ooh, I'm on the library wait list for that and getting real close to the top!

  12. Cheers to 3 years! I have read 142 books and have five 5-star reads. Hmmmmm. I am going to see Opposite of Always, because it had a little bit of everything, and it was all done well. I get all happy feels, when I talk about it too.

    1. Thank you, Sam!

      I'm really looking forward to that one, it sounds so unique!

  13. Happy blogiversary, Angela! Wishing you many more amazing blogging years. I'm so glad to have met you on here. My favorite book so far is probably Nina Moreno's Don't Date Rosa Santos. So good.

    1. Thank you so much, Alicia! I'm glad we've become blogging friends, too!

  14. Happy blogiversary! I've been loving making fellow book blogger friends and also following you on instagram and here!

    1. Thank you, Melissia! I love seeing your pictures, too!

  15. Happy blogoversary! Congrats on three years, I'm glad blogging has been such a great experience and only increased your love for books :-) So far I think my fave read so far has been The Kingdom of Copper.

    1. Thank you, Kristen! Blogging has been more fun than I ever thought it could be!

  16. Happy blogiversary Angela! Here's to many many more years. I love your blog, and I always love reading your posts - especially your discussions and travel & trails ones!

    Favourite book of the year has probably been More Than We Can Tell by Brigid Kemmerer!

    1. Aww, thank you, Amy, you're so sweet! I love your posts, too - so honest and well-written!

  17. Happy Blogoversary to a fellow blogger :) It's a huge milestone :)
    To many more years and many more followers and to finding many more awesome reads along the way

  18. Happy blogoversary - I hope there are many more years of blogging ahead for you! And thank you for your generous giveaway - I read your posts anyway but it's nice to have a chance to win something too. ;-)

  19. And I think my favourite book so far this year has been Shakespeare's Dog by Rick Chafe.

  20. Happy blogoversary! I think my fave book of the year so far has been Small Town Hearts by Lillie Vale :)
    Megan S.

  21. Happy Blogiversary, Angela, and thank you for the giveaway! I’m going to say The Things We Cannot Say is my favorite of the year so far!

  22. Happy blogoversary! None yet

  23. Hooray! Happy Blogoversary! Three years is such an accomplishment!

    As for favorite books this year... Descendant of the Crane by Joan He, Bats at the Library by Brian Lies, Repeat by Kylie Scott, The Center of the Universe by Ria Voros, The Feel Good Factor by Lauren Blakely, Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson (cannot wait for Vow of Thieves!), the new Firefly comic by Greg Pak, Cold Day in the Sun by Sara Biren, various books from the Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins, Magic Breaks by Ilona Andrews (and any of the other books in the Kate Daniels series that I've read this year), Two Can Keep a Secret by Karen McManus, Wondersmith: The Calling of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend, A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer, Simon and the Big, Bad, Angry Beasts: A Book about Anger by Ian De Haes. There have been so many this year! <3

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Thank you so much, Lindsi! Wow, that's a lot of books!

  24. Happy Blogoversary Angela <3 My favourite reads of the year so far have been The Winner's Kiss, King of Scars, Obsidio and starfish :)

  25. Happy Blogoversary!! Three years is amazing! <3 Oh gosh... my favorite read of the year so far is The Last Woman in the Forest by Diane Les Becquets.

    1. Thank you, Erica! Yes, I remember your review for that one!

  26. Happy Blogoversary! My favorite book I've read so far this year has been either Starfish or Willa and Hesper.

  27. Ahhh congratulations, happy blogoversary Angela and here is to many more years of blogging and fun! :D
    Thank you for hosting such a lovely giveaway! Hard to pick a favorite, but I'd say You Asked For Perfect by Laura Silverman :)

  28. A belated congratulations on your three year bloggoversary! I think your current look is great and I'm enjoying following your blog :)


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!