
Monday, December 17, 2018

Cake Flavored Books Tag

I came across this adorable book tag over on Paper Fury all about cake and books, originally from #bookstagram at #cakeflavoredbooks.  I knew I had to do it - who doesn't love cake?

Chocolate cake: a dark book you absolutely love.  I don't know that I read a ton of "dark" books, but I enjoyed this Little Mermaid retelling that didn't shy away from the gritty and emotional.

Vanilla cake: a light read.  This whole series is just light and fun and perfect for beach reading!

Red velvet: a book that gave you mixed emotions.  There were things I liked about this story, but it was hard to get over the unethical romance at the center of the book and the cheesy ending.

Cheescake: a book you would recommend to anyone.  I just love this book - it has beautiful writing, great characters, and MAGIC!

Coffee cake: a book you started but never finished.  This is just one of my recent DNFs.  I couldn't get past the ridiculous drama and pedestrian writing.

Carrot cake: a book with great writing.  This book is so beautifully written, you'll forget you're reading an end-of-the-world story.

Tiramisu: a book that left you wanting more.  I thought this book was super-cute and had a good message, but I thought the author missed a lot of opportunities to flesh out the story.

Cupcakes: a series with 4+ books.  There are a few long series that I make sure to keep up with, and Outlander is one of them.  Long books, but really worth the time!

Fruit cake: a book that wasn't what you anticipated.  I love wartime novels, but this novel was so different from what I was expecting after reading the synopsis, and unfortunately I was disappointed.

Consider yourself tagged if you'd like to do this one!


  1. I love this tag! I like the sound of The Academy despite the things it's left out.

    1. It was a fun story with a really unique setting!

  2. Fun tag!! I love Night Circus and agree to recommend to anyone!

  3. I put Outlander on my TBR list a few months ago. If I can ever catch up on the Game of Thrones books, I might try that series and see what the hype is about.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I think the books are really good. Not just the romance, she really incorporates a lot of history as well.

  4. The Mermaid's Daughter is one that is new to me! I love retellings and especially Little Mermaid ones. The dark aspect has me intrigued and I will definitely check it out. Great tag! :)

    1. That was a really good one, and it was cool because it was contemporary.

  5. I've had a copy of The Night Circus for ages, but haven't read it yet! Everyone talks about how wonderful it is, so I feel like I should just read it and find out for myself.

    Love the idea of a cake-themed book tag!
    Check out my 2018 End of the Year Giveaway! Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  6. Love this tag! The Night Circus would be my cheesecake pick as well. :)

  7. Little sad about the Carlino book. I have listened to a few and enjoyed them, and I feel like I have this book, but I was glad to hear that even if it wasn't perfect, The Academy was enjoyable. It's one I missed, but have shortlisted to read.

    1. I want to like Carlino's books, but they just don't seem to work for me.

  8. Oh man, The Mermaid's Daughter is right up my alley! I definitely need to get a copy of that. I'm always on the lookout for a new retelling!

  9. I did this tag on my blog a couple weeks back! I also saw it on Cait's blog. :) I tried to read a Renee Carlino before (don't know which one!) and it didn't work out for me. Maybe she's just not for me? I'll probably try out another one of her books before just giving up, but I'm pretty wary of it. I've never heard of The Academy! I love the cover, but it's unfortunate that the author missed some opportunities. Great answers Angela!

    Genni @ Ready, Set, Read!

    1. Thanks, Genni! Yeah, I've read or tried to read a couple Carlino books, and they are just not my cup of tea!

  10. This is such a fun tag, Angela, and you did an amazing job with it. Now I want cake!

    1. Thanks, Jennifer! Haha, nice! Cake is always good!

  11. Oooo this is making me hungry! I don't usually like cake, but I do love red velvet and cheesecake :)

  12. I love Outlander and the series! I love chocolate with everything. =)



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