
Saturday, December 15, 2018

2019 Retellings Reading Challenge Sign-Up and TBR

When I found out about the 2019 Retellings Reading Challenge, hosted by Tracy at Cornerfolds, I knew I couldn't pass it up!  I don't read a ton of retellings, but I do have quite a few on my TBR that I want to get to.

To get all the details about the challenge, visit Cornerfolds here.  Pretty much any retelling, in any genre, in any book form, counts - and you can use books from other challenges, too!  You can earn points by writing reviews and linking up quarterly.  There's also a Bingo element to earn even more points!

There are five challenge levels:

  • Silent Assassin: 1-5 Retellings
  • Warrior Princess: 6-10 Retellings
  • Elemental Witch: 11-15 Retellings
  • High Fae: 16-20 Retellings
  • Fairest of them All: 21-25+ Retellings

  • For now, I am going to aim for Warrior Princess, but things could always change!  Here are the books I'm hoping to get to:

    What retellings are you going to read in 2019?


    1. This is such a fun challenge, Angela! I have a few of these here to read, and The Silence of the Girls is one of my favorite books this year! Good luck on your challenge!

      1. Thanks, Jennifer! Awesome, I'm really looking forward to that one!

    2. oh, neat challenge< I have read great retellings, this one is what comes right away to mind, superb:

      1. Thanks, Emma, I'll have to check that one out!

    3. Oooh, I hadn't heard of this challenge before. I may have to do this one because I do love a good retelling.

    4. The only thing better than a retelling challenge is that it involves BINGO!!! I have to work this one in. Good luck! You have some great books lined up for this one.

      1. Thanks, Sam! Haha, I've never done a challenge with bingo before!

    5. This sounds like a fun challenge...I might have to join. I have like 2 or 3 retellings I want to get to this year.


    6. Good luck on your challenge Mary! I never get around to retellings, so this might be a good challenge for me so that I can give them a higher priority! I'm also not that great at keeping up with challenges though, so we'll see if I decide to join! Either way, I hope you have a wonderful time reading all the retellings this upcoming year. :)

      1. Thanks, Gennifer! I tried to keep my TBR small, so I have less to keep track of, and if I surpass it, great!


    I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!