
Friday, September 28, 2018

Blog Break + Month in Review: September 2018

Just a little housekeeping note that I'll be taking a short break from the blog next week!

September was a great month!  As soon as September 1st hits, I consider it fall, and the weather has finally started cooperating.  I've been wanting to practice my photography, so my sister and her family graciously let me take their Christmas card photos; my niece is turning into quite the little model!  Labor Day was spent with a good chunk of the family.  We were finally able to get some hiking and long walks in, at Sourland Mountain Preserve and the Morris Arboretum.  We did some work in the yard and planted two boxwood bushes; I also got some mums for the front porch.  Fantasy football is in full swing; unfortunately, Team Outlaw is off to a slow start at 1-2, but hopefully we can turn it around!

The Books

Until We Meet Again (review to come) // The Rose Garden (review to come) // The Lightning Thief (audio) // Playing With Matches (review to come)

Wonder Women // Alex & Eliza (review to come) // The Cheerleaders // The Silent Companions (review to come)

The Widow's House (review to come) // The Sea of Monsters (audio) // Reawakened // Wide Sargasso Sea

I, Eliza Hamilton (review to come) // The Girl from Everywhere // The Paper Magician

The Posts and Reviews

The Posts I Loved

  How was your September?  Have you had a pumpkin spice latte yet?


  1. That's fun you got to take Christmas card photos for practice. Hope your FF team turns it around! Looks like a good batch of books this month. Enjoy your break!

    1. Thanks, Grace! I really hope we can get some FF wins, it's terrible being in last place!

  2. I admire all of you out there with photography skills. Mine are so bad, it took me 8 tries to get my mobile deposit accepted. I have had Until We Meet Again for ages, and have been wanting to read it. I cannot wait to see what you thought. (PS thanks for mentioning my post. XOXO)

    1. You're welcome, it was a great post! Haha, i don't know how good my skills are, I take A LOT of photos and only some of them come out good!

  3. I just got Cheerleaders for my daughter. She's into twisty mysteries right now. Enjoy your break.

    1. Thanks, Jill! I hope she enjoys The Cheerleaders!

  4. Enjoy the break, Angela, and I'm glad September was a great month for you!

    I'm really keen to read The Cheerleaders. It looks so good, and I'm always on the lookout for YA thrillers.

    1. Thanks, Amy!

      I think you'll enjoy it, I definitely didn't see the ending coming.

  5. I’ve never head a Pumpkin Spice Latte, but I really want to try one. I’m impressed that you read so many books. I barely read anything this month. Have a great break!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yeah, I definitely felt like I was speed-reading a bit this month! Thanks, Aj!

  6. Wow you've read so many books this month! I've been meaning to re-read the Percy Jackson series for ages and this just reminded me of that!
    I also never had a pumpkin spice latte, the sound of pumpkin in a latte just does not appeal to me haha. I might have to try it this year just to see what the hype is about! :)

    1. I've never read the Percy Jackson books before, but they've been really fun on audio!

      Haha, it tastes less like pumpkin and more like spices like cinnamon - so good!

  7. you had an awesome reading month :D fall is awesome for reading. Glad you are enjoying photography

  8. Enjoy your break! Looks like you read some good ones. I love the Percy Jackson series!

    1. Thanks, Kay! I'm really enjoying the series.

  9. I'm the same way- once it's September, it's fall for me! Have a great break! I need to read The Cheerleaders soon...

  10. I know, the weather FINALLY matches the season and it's getting a little chilly. It's almost hoodie season 24/7! 🎉 Hope you enjoy your break - don't stress yourself! 😉

    1. Thanks, Sophia! We just had a few hot days again, so I need it to get back to the cooler temps!

  11. Wow, it looks like you've had a good reading month! I've never actually read any of the Percy Jackson books, but so many people have told me they're really good, I feel like I should give them a go.
    Enjoy your break! :)

    1. Thanks, Laura! I've really enjoyed the first two books on audio, great to listen to in the car!

  12. I'm sorry to say I didn't like the Wide Sargasso Sea when I read it 2 years ago. I'm sooo looking forward to read your reviews of The Silent Companions and The Rose Garden, both are on my to read list.

    Enjoy your break from the blog!

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

    1. Thanks, Ronnie! Wide Sargasso Sea was not really what I expected. I'm a Jane Eyre fan, so I wanted to try it out, though!

  13. You read several books I want to read (The Rose Garden, The Paper Magician, Wonder Women) and a few I love (the Percy Jackson books.) And there are several there I want to check out.

    Enjoy the fall weather, and I hope you get some more hiking time!

    1. Thanks, Lark! I really hope so, too!

      Wonder Women was really good, it was highly recommended by my sister!

  14. Looks like you had a great month! I agree that as soon as September hits, it just feels like Fall. And the weather here definitely felt like it!

    --Sam @ Sharing Inspired Kreations

    1. Thanks, Sam, it was a pretty awesome month!

  15. Wow, you've read so many books this month, that's so great! :) I'm so happy to hear you had a lovely September, Angela, and that you don't mind the start of the fall season at all, unlike me 😂 Have a wonderful month! <3

    1. Yeah, I don't know how I managed to fit so many in!

      Thanks, Marie!

  16. I wish that I had someone to take some quality Christmas photos for my family. We always just set the timer on the camera and hope for the best. I hope that you enjoy your break and that you enjoy all of the books on your TBR this month. :)

    1. Haha, Tom and I always have trouble getting good pictures of us during the year to use, I almost had to use a selfie one year!

  17. This post reminds me that I really need to finally finish the Percy Jackson series. I hope you have a good break. I'm planning on taking one in November myself.

    1. Thank you!

      I've been enjoying the series, hopefully I'll get to the third book soon!

  18. Wow, you`ve read so many books in September, well done. This has been one of my worst reading years, but I am more motivated now. Enjoy your break!

    Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. Thanks, Georgiana! I hope you get out of your slump soon.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. I am so jealous -- you were a reading machine this month! I love the cover of The Paper Magician! SUch an interesting premise!

    1. Yeah, I'm not quite sure how I got to so many books! I loved that cover, too, it's what made me want to read it! But the book turned out to be really good, too!

  21. I also consider September to be fall, but if I waited for the weather to cooperate, I'd be waiting until, like, December lol. That's awesome you got to take the Christmas card photos! Enjoy your blogging break!

    1. Haha, I know, and today it's 80 degrees, too warm!

      Thanks, Kristen!

  22. September is fall to me. I don't like it but it's fall. =)
    I only really like pumpkin desserts. No to putting it in coffee like things.


    1. I love fall!

      I think it just tastes more like pumpkin spices like cinnamon and nutmeg than actual pumpkin!

  23. Hey Angela! The usual story with me - I went away, got behind, now I'm scrambling to catch up again! Ha ha.

    I'm glad September was a great month and I hope that your October is going well too! I loved the pics you shared on Instagram!

    Did you enjoy The Lightning Thief?

    Happy reading!

    1. Haha, no worries, Di!

      I did enjoy the Lightning Thief - it was really fun to listen to!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!