
Friday, May 18, 2018

Review: The Heart Between Us

The Heart Between Us
Lindsay Harrel
Published March 13, 2018
Megan Jacobs always wished for a different heart. Her entire childhood was spent in and out of hospitals, sitting on the sidelines while her twin sister Crystal played all the sports, got all the guys, and had all the fun. But even a heart transplant three years ago wasn’t enough to propel Megan’s life forward. She’s still working as a library aide in her small Minnesota hometown and living with her parents, dreaming of the adventure she plans to take “once she’s well enough.” Meanwhile, her sister is a successful architect with a handsome husband and the perfect life—or so Megan thinks.

When her heart donor’s parents give Megan their teenage daughter’s journal—complete with an unfulfilled bucket list—Megan connects with the girl she meets between the pages and is inspired to venture out and check off each item. Caleb—a friend from her years in and out of the hospital—reenters her life and pushes her to find the courage to take the leap and begin her journey. She’s thrown for a loop when Crystal offers to join her for reasons of her own, but she welcomes the company and the opportunity to mend their tenuous relationship.

As Megan and Crystal check items off the bucket list, Megan fights the fears that have been instilled in her after a lifetime of illness. She must choose between safety and adventure and learn to embrace the heart she’s been given so that she can finally share it with the people she loves most. - from Goodreads
Megan spent over 20 years of her life being sick, but even after getting a heart transplant, she is still scared to do anything outside her comfort zone.  She finally agrees to meet her donor Amanda's family, and they give her Amanda's diary, which contains a bucket list of items Amanda wanted to do, before she was killed in a car crash.  Megan decides to complete Amanda's bucket list, hoping it will inspire her.  Megan's twin sister, Crystal, decides to accompany Megan on her trip, in hopes of mending their relationship.

First and foremost, this book will give you a serious case of wanderlust!  Amanda's bucket list takes the sisters all over the world, from Peru, to Australia, to Beijing, to Europe.  Not only did Megan and Crystal see all these amazing sights, but I felt like I learned a lot, too, about each place they visited.

Besides all the traveling, the sisters' relationship is at the center of the novel.  Being a twin myself, I could kind of relate to Megan and Crystal, particularly as siblings grow up and start their own lives.  But for Megan and Crystal, it was different.  Megan was stuck in hospitals, while Crystal got to go school, find a great job as an architect, and get married.  When we meet them, the sisters haven't seen each other in years, and it was nice to see them regain their love and trust as the trip went on, although it wasn't easy.

There is also some romance in the book - Megan reconnects with an old friend who also had a heart transplant, and it was sweet to see them experience parts of the trip together, since neither expected they would ever be able to do that.  Crystal, on the other hand, is having marriage issues and wonders if she can really have it all - a successful career and a happy marriage.

I thought the writing was good and the pace of the story was quick.  Each chapter brought a new country.  However, the ending was a little too bland and saccharine for me; it felt like everything wrapped up too quickly and neatly.  The story felt a bit simplistic at times, as well.  This book is Christian fiction, which I didn't realize when I picked it up, but the religious aspects weren't too overwhelming for me (as someone who doesn't identify with any particular religion). 

3.5 stars


  1. At least for a Christain book it wasn’t overwhelming with the religious tones. Glad you enjoyed it overall.

  2. Ah damn... if there's one thing I dislike a lot in books it's when an ending is wrapped up too quickly. It can kind of ruin the book for me.

    1. Me, too - the ending can totally make or break a book for me!

  3. I love books with travel, and most of those places are places I have never visited. That's pretty deep doing your donor's bucket list, but sort of awesome too.

    1. I haven't visited a lot of these places, either, so that was a nice tour!

  4. Wow, that a pretty awesome and unique story line. However, ends that are wrapped up to quickly are my worse enemy ha-ha. Glad you enjoy it though. Hope you have a wonderful weekend �� xoxo

  5. The travel aspect of this book sounds wonderful. I love when books feature so many new places. I'm actually currently reading a book about a girl hiking through Ireland, and my wanderlust is at an all time high. The sisters' relationship also sounds interesting. I like that they bring separate stories/problems to the table. That's too bad about the ending though :( I feel like I would've been disappointed too. Great review, Angela!

    1. Thanks, Lauren! The book you're reading sounds awesome, too - I would love to go to Ireland someday!

  6. Bummer! I don't like it when the ending doesn't compare with the rest of the book! You have all this build up and then you're handed a nice little ending complete with a big, pink bow. I want the ending to feel like the rest of the book!

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

  7. It's always awful when the ending of an otherwise good book is a letdown. I'm glad you were still able to enjoy this one overall though!

  8. I love when books thank you on a trip all around the world. The sisterly bond appeals to me, but it is too bad about the ending being a little bland. Great review hon!

    1. Thanks, Jenea! I know, it had all these awesome qualities, and then the ending was a bit of a bummer.

  9. I love it when books give me serious wanderlust -- and I love the premise behind it. It's from a sad reason, but it sounds hopeful too.

    1. Yes, there's definitely a lot of hopefulness - it takes awhile to get there, but it was nice.

  10. This sounds like one of those books that always has me reaching for my passport and wanting to travel. That's a bummer that the ending was a letdown in what sounds like an otherwise good read. I may still read it for the travel aspect and for the sister relationship though. Great review!

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! Yes, this book made me want to plan a trip!

  11. The travel aspect really appeals to me and I love stories about sibling relationships! I also like that the religious aspect wasn't in your face.
    But it's a pity about the ending :(

    Really great review.

    1. Yeah, endings where major issues get resolved in a page or two are some of my pet peeves!


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