
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: The Mermaid

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases!

The Mermaid
Christina Henry
Expected publication date: June 19, 2018
From the author of Lost Boy comes a historical fairy tale about a mermaid who leaves the sea for love and later finds herself in P.T. Barnum's American Museum as the real Fiji mermaid. However, leaving the museum may be harder than leaving the sea ever was.

Once there was a mermaid who longed to know of more than her ocean home and her people. One day a fisherman trapped her in his net but couldn't bear to keep her. But his eyes were lonely and caught her more surely than the net, and so she evoked a magic that allowed her to walk upon the shore. The mermaid, Amelia, became his wife, and they lived on a cliff above the ocean for ever so many years, until one day the fisherman rowed out to sea and did not return.

P. T. Barnum was looking for marvelous attractions for his American Museum, and he'd heard a rumor of a mermaid who lived on a cliff by the sea. He wanted to make his fortune, and an attraction like Amelia was just the ticket.

Amelia agreed to play the mermaid for Barnum, and she believes she can leave any time she likes. But Barnum has never given up a money-making scheme in his life, and he's determined to hold on to his mermaid. - from Goodreads


  1. Yes please! I could certainly go for a great mermaid read.

  2. I love Henry and hope this one is as good as Lost Boy.

    1. I haven't read any of her other books, will have to check them out!

  3. Oh this sounds awesome! I love mermaid stories. Great pick!

  4. This sounds like a good story. It puts me in mind of Alice Hoffman's The Museum of Extraordinary Things. Love that retro-looking cover, too.

    1. Yes, it kind of reminds me of that book, too!

  5. Oh my gosh, I need this book now! I'm slightly obsessed with mermaids AND P.T. Barnum AND the whole mystery surrounding the Fiji mermaid. Adding to my wishlist right away. Thanks for sharing! :D

    1. Haha, awesome!! I hope we both love it! I'm kind of obsessed with mermaids, too!

  6. This book has a great cover, and the concept sounds fantastic. I wonder what sort of role Barnum will have in the story?

  7. This sounds interesting, I love the idea of a mermaid being compelled to be in a circus!

  8. What an interesting and unique premise. I hadn't heard of this one before but now you have me curious. Great pick!

  9. Great pick this week! I have this on my tbr too. Hope we'll both enjoy it. Happy reading!

  10. Omg! This sounds amazing! I haven't heard about this one anywhere, first time here. It sounds intriguing and im definitely interested in it. Thanks for bring it to my attention, Angela. Hope you have a wonderful day. 💋

  11. Great pick! This one is new to me....sounds so unique and I love the cover. Thanks for putting this one on my radar.

  12. such a pretty cover. I am always up for a mermaid read.

    1. Me, too! I have a couple from the library right now!

  13. I received this one for review and cannot wait to dive in! Mermaids are my weakness and I find their stories fascinating! Have you read The Lost Voices? I think that's the last mermaid book I read. Great pick!

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Awesome, can't wait for your review! I haven't read Lost Voices, will have to check it out! I just finished Mermaid by Carolyn Turgeon.

    2. I haven't heard of that one! I'll look it up. <3 Thanks!

  14. Yay a mermaid book! I haven't read any of her work yet, but I plan to read Lost Boy, and maybe I will try this one after :-)

    1. I haven't read her other books, but if I like this one, I may check them out!

  15. Oooh! I hadn't heard of this one but it sounds amazing!

  16. This one sounds wonderful! I'm always looking for mermaid books. Hope you enjoy it! :)

  17. Wow, I didn't expect *that* ending to the blurb when I started reading this! This is a such a unique premise!

  18. There's so many mermaid/sea books coming out these days and I'm so excited about that! I have PLENTY that need to be read, but I'll be getting to them soon I hope.

    1. I know, so many coming out and I just read a couple backlist ones, too!


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