
Monday, April 30, 2018

Month in Review: April 2018

April was a super-busy month, as you can probably tell from my low reading total!  So, what made it so busy?
  • So many birthdays!  April is a huge month for birthdays in my family, so in addition to my sister and I celebrating ours, there were also numerous aunts, cousins, my BIL, and two of our nephews.
  • We finally sold our condo!  It had been on the market for a few months, but we closed this month and it's a relief to not have to worry about it anymore.
  • Tom and I traveled to Tulsa for our nephew's 1st birthday party, and on the way back, we stopped in Chicago for a couple days.  I'll have a post next week about the fun time we had!
  • I celebrated my two-year blogoversary by doing... nothing!  But it was fun to realize that it's already been two years!
  • I had a few friends and family over and we made 25 blankets for our local Project Linus chapter. 
  • We saw Avengers: Infinity War and I.. don't even have words.  I think I'm in shock.

The Books:

How To Walk Away (review to come) // Of Mice and Men // First & Then (review to come) // Revenge Wears Prada

Foolish Hearts (review to come) // Sorority (review to come)

The Posts and Reviews:

The Posts I Loved:
Greg at Book Haven asks what bookish or pop culture world you'd want to visit

Jenn Renee and Ash at JennReneeRead featured my blog in their Bloggy Buddy series

Marie at Drizzle and Hurricane Books lists 10 underrated books we should be talking about

Aj at Read All The Things admits to a reviewing crisis

Jordan at Forever Lost in Literature discusses genre snobbery

Sarah at Sarah's Book Shelves goes behind-the-scenes of being a book blogger

How was your April?  Is it finally feeling like spring where you live?


  1. Wonderful, productive month! On to May!

    1. Yay! Hopefully this month will be just as good!

  2. I am happy to hear you sold your condo. It is always so stressful to have a house on the market. Hopefully the closing and move go smoothly. Here is to a productive May!

    1. Thanks, Heidi! It was pretty stressful, but the closing went well!

  3. Congratulations on your blogoversary and selling your condo! Both great things. Project Linus is so wonderful and you and your crew are wonderful for making 25 blankets!!! I need to read my copy of First & Then. I so loved Foolish Hearts and need to read more Emma Mills soon.

    1. Thanks, Sam! We had so much fun making the blankets.

      I think I am officially in love with Emma Mills!

  4. Happy Blogoversary! Wow, it definitely sounds like you had a busy month. And that's so wonderful that you guys were able to make 25 blankets for Project Linus!

    I'll be looking forward to both your Chicago post and your review of Foolish Hearts, which is a book I've been wanting to read for a while now.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne!

      Both those posts will be coming up next week - I loved Foolish Hearts.

  5. WOW! What a month! Congrats on selling your condo and for your anniversary!

  6. No wonder you've been busy, you did have a lot going on! April does seem like a busy month for birthdays. Congrats on your 2nd blogoversary!

    1. Thank you, Kristen!

      OMG, so many birthdays!

  7. Congratulations on 2 years! It's a serious accomplishment. Mine comes in July and in some ways it seems like the time has flown and in others it feels like I've been doing this forever!

    Love that cover on Foolish hears. I'm always attracted to color.

  8. Happy second blogoversary! It seems like you had a very busy, but very fun month! Already looking forward to your Chicago post since it's definitely on my bucket list to visit :)

    1. Thanks, Lindsey! Yes, it was busy, but it was all good busy, you know? We had an awesome time in Chicago!

  9. Infinity War, agghhh, I still haven't recovered from it XD I can tell the same about Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. Tragic. Have a nice week!!

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

    1. Thanks, Ronnie! OMG, I am STILL thinking about Infinity War!!

  10. Happy birthday(s)! Congrats on selling the condo. My April was exhausting. Last night I realized I only finished 2 books during the whole month. I hope you have a great May!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks, Aj! I know, my reading total was probably half of what I normally read.

  11. I cannot wait to read your review on Foolish Hearts! It's something I've been wanting to read for awhile now. <3

    We still haven't seen Infinity War, but I'm READY for it. Bring it on, Thanos! I'm also excited for Deadpool 2 and Venom. #WeAreVenom

    Following you via Bloglovin'!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

    1. Thanks, Lindsi! I loved Foolish Hearts!

      We're definitely going to see Deadpool 2, hopefully it doesn't gut me as much as Infinity War did!

  12. Congrats on the blogiversary! It's a milestone that deserves a round of applause. Hope your May is filled with amazing reads!

  13. Wow happy blogoversary!! Time flies!

    Ahhh Infinity War...I haven't seen it yet, but I was stressing about my fave characters dying so I spoiled all the deaths for myself by googling them. And I regret it ;) I'm an emotional wreck, and I haven't even seen the film yet. lol.
    Sigh. It's so sad.

    Have a great May, Angela!

    1. Thank you, Amy!

      Infinity War was actually one movie I did NOT spoil for myself, I went in totally blind - and I was gutted! I hope you get to see it soon!

  14. What a month. And some great books there. I hope you have a great May :)

  15. Congratulations on your blogoversary!!! Seems to me you had an amazing month!! I can't believe you had friends and family make 25 blankets for your local Project Linus chapter, that is so wonderful and they're so lucky to have just a wholeheartedly person as yourself.
    Thank you for visiting btw and for leaving just kind words. I really appreciate it, Angela. I hope you have a wonderful day. 💋 xoxo

  16. I personally loved Of Mice and Men. I hope you enjoyed it! Congratulations on your blogoversary! Great month and all those blankets - I wish I had some talent like that. Enjoy your week!

    Mary my #Sunday Roundup #19!

    1. I remember reading it in high school, but I wanted to revisit it, and I did enjoy it! Thank you, Mary!

  17. Congrats on selling your condo!! That's awesome. Your family's April birthdays sounds like my family's December birthdays. It's always nonstop celebration that month (especially with Christmas thrown in). And I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Infinity War. I don't watch many movies but that's one I want to see.

    1. Thanks, Lauren! Oh, my, all those birthdays AND Christmas! Sounds like a fun month. I hope you enjoy Infinity War!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!