
Monday, February 5, 2018

TBR Book Tag

I saw this tag over on Kirsty Chronicles and bookmarked it as something I'd like to do eventually.  Well, today is that day!

1. How do you keep track of your TBR pile?
I actually keep my TBR on Pinterest.  I have a separate board for it.  I use Goodreads for a lot of things, but for some reason Pinterest is just more visually appealing for my TBR!

2. Is your TBR pile mostly print or e-book?
It's exclusively print at this point.  I don't read e-books yet, although my sister is always trying to get me into them!

3. A book that's been on your TBR the longest?

I will read this in 2018!
4. A book you recently added to your TBR pile?

5. A book in your TBR pile strictly because of its beautiful cover?

I don't think I've ever added a book to my TBR based only on the cover, but this cover is pretty beautiful!

6. A book on your TBR pile you plan on never reading?
Occasionally I'll put a book on my TBR thinking I should read it rather than really wanting to, but if I don't think I'll read a book, or it doesn't appeal to me anymore or whatever, I just delete it from my TBR.

7. An unpublished book on your TBR you're excited for?

8. A book on your TBR pile that everyone's read but you?

9. A book on your TBR everyone recommends to you?

10. A book on your TBR you're dying to read?

11. How many books are on your Goodreads TBR shelf?
There are only a couple books on my Goodreads TBR shelf - it's pretty much only for books I own but haven't read yet - but on my TBR I have over 150 books.


  1. Fun tag! I listened to and LOVED RPO. I am pumped for the new Emily Giffin and Lauren Weisberger books. I also have not read SoC!! This year though! Enjoy Surprise Me!

    1. Thank you! I'm really going to try to read RPO before we see the movie.

  2. I haven’t read Six of Crows, either! Everybody keeps telling me to. I swear I’ll get to it someday.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. This is a fun tag! Six of Crows really is fantastic. :) And I've never seen All the Ever Afters before, but wow... that is a stunning cover! AND 'an untold story of Cinderella's stepmother'? Okay, now I have to look that up, haha.
    Using Pinterest is so interesting to me! I love the idea of using it because it's more visual--I'd never even thought of that, but it's a fantastic idea!

    1. Thanks, Jordan! I think Pinterest is working out pretty well for my TBR!

  4. You have gotta read Six of Crows. It's my favorite Leigh Bardugo book so far. Still need to read the sequel...

  5. That's cool that you keep your TBR on Pinterest. I'd try that but I think it might end up being the biggest board ever, lol. And yes, you should definitely read Six of Crows and especially A Darker Shade of Magic. Such great reads!

  6. I haven't read Six of Crows, but I would like to. ☺

  7. This is such a fun blog post. I haven't counted the books in my to-read stacks in awhile. I probably have about 250 to 300 books in my to-read stacks.

  8. I am definitely going to have to do this tag. Ready Player One has been on my TBR for so long, and I definitely want to read it before the movie comes out. Six of Crows has been on there forever as well.

    1. Awesome, have fun! I definitely am going to read Ready Player One soon!

  9. That's funny b/c RPO is among the first e-books I got years ago, and I still haven't read it. Since the movie's coming out, I too will get to this in 2018!

    1. It will be fun to do a book comparison!

  10. Oh I never heard of keepin a TBR on Pinterest? That is such a cool idea, I love it :) And YES, I am not the only one who hasn't read Six of Crows just yet, that makes me so happy hahaha :)
    Lovely answers! :)

    1. Thanks, Marie! Oh, that makes me feel better that I'm not the last one to read Six of Crows!

  11. Ready Player One was on my TBR list for a couple of years, but I finally read it a few weeks ago, and it was amazing, and I was like, 'why did I wait so long to read this?' I think it was just something I had to be in the mood for!
    And Six of Crows really is amazing! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)

    1. I'm really excited to read Ready Player One and then go see the movie!

  12. I get recommended A Darker Shade of Magic so many times too! And Six of Crows IS awesome <3 Fun tag!!

    1. Those are two books that I know are super-popular with bloggers, so I'm finally read to see what all the hype is about!

  13. Such a fun tag! Six of Crows and the Shades of Magic series are pretty amazing so I'd have to recommend them too ;) I'm also really hoping to read Ready Player One this year, at least before the movie comes out!

  14. I learned a few interesting things. You use Pinterst for your TBR. I never thought of that, and you have never read an ebook. Wow! I mostly read ebooks, because I don't like clutter, my eyes are terrible, and I don't have to worry about due dates back at the library. I started Ready Player One, and the beginning was great, but I sort of lost interest. I think I am just too much of a contemporary reader for it. SoC was fabulous! It lives up to all the hype if you ask me. I really enjoyed Surprise Me. It's a little different from other Kinsella books, but still had all that warmth and charm I expect from her.

    1. My sister keeps telling me to borrow her Kindle so I can try it out, just haven't taken her up on it yet! RPO just sounds so fun, so I hope I like it!

  15. Wow! Pinterest as a TBR tool. Interesting!

    Six of Crows! You must do it! :) AND obviously ADSOM - I'm recing it to you too! VE Schwab is awesome.

    150 books - that's being very prudent with your picks! Well done! :)

    1. I promise I'll get to those books this year!

      Haha, 150 doesn't like a lot, but it never seems to get any smaller!


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