
Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Can't-Wait Wednesday: Not That I Could Tell

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Not That I Could Tell
Jessica Strawser
Expected publication date: March 27, 2018
When a group of neighborhood women gathers, wine in hand, around a fire pit where their backyards meet one Saturday night, most of them are just ecstatic to have discovered that their baby monitors reach that far. It’s a rare kid-free night, and they’re giddy with it. They drink too much, and the conversation turns personal.

By Monday morning, one of them is gone.

Everyone knows something about everyone else in the quirky small Ohio town of Yellow Springs, but no one can make sense of the disappearance. Kristin was a sociable twin mom, college administrator, and doctor’s wife who didn’t seem all that bothered by her impending divorce—and the investigation turns up more questions than answers, with her husband, Paul, at the center. For her closest neighbor, Clara, the incident triggers memories she thought she’d put behind her—and when she’s unable to extract herself from the widening circle of scrutiny, her own suspicions quickly grow. But the neighborhood’s newest addition, Izzy, is determined not to jump to any conclusions—especially since she’s dealing with a crisis of her own.

As the police investigation goes from a media circus to a cold case, the neighbors are forced to reexamine what’s going on behind their own closed doors—and to ask how well anyone really knows anyone else. - from Goodreads


  1. This sounds so good! Adding it to my tbr...

  2. Oh, I already have this one on my list to try. Nice pick!

  3. This sounds like what I wanted The Couple Next Door to be more like. I'll have to check it out.

  4. I love books that are all about how well do you really know someone? Sounds fun! And awesome cover too.

    1. Yes, I love the cover! I find something new every time I look at it!

  5. This one sounds so good. I hope you get an chance to read it and soon!

  6. I'm always intrigued by these kind of stories. Sounds suspenseful!!

  7. Oh! This looks like a mysterious read! Great pick!

    Here’s my WoW !

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  8. I love the sound of this!! Plus that cover. Adding now!!

  9. This sounds quite interesting. It reminds me a little of a Liane Moriarty story (and I love her!)

    1. It does sound like one of her domestic dramas!

  10. As soon as I read the blurb, I ran right over to add it to my Goodreads shelf. I've had a good run with mysteries lately and this one sounds a good one to continue my streak. Great pick!

  11. Love the cover, and it sounds like a great mystery! Great pick! Thanks for stopping by my CWW post over on Lisa Loves Literature earlier.

  12. Oh wow! This sounds great! Thanks for putting this one on my radar!

  13. Isn't this book sooo good??? It just hits on relationships we take for granted and how things change I think. I cannot WAIT for this to be released!!


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