
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Waiting on/Can't-Wait Wednesday: Where The Light Falls

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine and Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings.  Both help us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Where The Light Falls
Allison Pataki & Owen Pataki
Expected publication date: July 11, 2017
From the courtrooms to the battlefields to the alleyways of Paris, with cameos from infamous figures in French history, the Patakis have crafted an epic, action-packed novel of the French Revolution as it has never been seen before. Three years after the storming of the Bastille, Paris is enlivened with the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The monarchy has been dismantled and a new nation, for the people, is rising up in its place. Jean-Luc, a young optimistic lawyer, moves his wife, Marie, and their son to Paris, inspired by a sense of duty to contribute to the new order. André, the son of a former nobleman, flees his privileged past to fight in the unified French Army with his roguish brother. Sophie, a beautiful young aristocratic widow and niece of a powerful, vindictive uncle, embarks on her own fight for independence.

Underneath the glimmer of hope and freedom, chaos threatens to undo all the progress of the revolution and the lives of these compatriots become inextricably linked. As the demand for justice breeds instability, creates enemies out of compatriots, and fuels a constant thirst for blood in the streets, Jean-Luc, Andre, and Sophie are forced to question the sacrifices made for the revolution. Liberty proves a fragile, fleeting ideal, and survival seems less and less likely—both for these unforgettable individuals, and indeed for the new nation itself. - from Goodreads
I'll read anything Paris-related and the focus on the French Revolution is a really interesting time period!


  1. I'm not big on historical novels, but this does look really good :) Hope you get to read it soon and enjoy it, Angela!
    Here's my WoW

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  2. Looks like an intriguing book, and the French Revolution is indeed an interesting time period. I hope you enjoy it.

    My WoW post.

    1. Thanks! I took a class on the French Revolution in college, so this reminded me of it!

  3. Sounds good! I agree I am all about Paris books!

    1. Love Paris - maybe I'll get to go someday!

  4. I love Paris, but I'm not entirely sure the revolution is going to be my cup of tea. It does sound oh so epic I have to admit!

    1. Yes, it sounds like it will be a very grand novel!

  5. I've wanted to branch out and read other war-related fiction besides WWII. I may have to check this out! Nice pick.

    Here's mine:

  6. Historical fiction is my guilty pleasure ;) Love the time period this one is set in too! Adding it to my TBR. Thanks for sharing!

    Here's my WoW.

  7. The French Revolution is so interesting. Great choice!

    My CWW:

  8. I'm excited about this one too. I hope you enjoy it.

  9. Great pick! This one is new to me. I have been reading more historical fiction and Paris is a great setting. Thanks for stopping by my WoW and sharing!! I hope you enjoy it.

    1. Thank you! I love historical fiction and Paris as a setting is one of my favorites!

  10. This isn't my type of read, but that cover is beautiful! Hope you can get your hands on it soon!
    Check out my Can't Wait Wednesday


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