
Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Chocolate Book Tag

I was tagged by Uma at Books.Bags.Burgers, so today I'll be doing the Chocolate Book Tag!  Thanks, Uma!  Plus, I just love chocolate, so this sounded really fun anyway!

1. Dark chocolate - a book that deals with a dark topic

Jodi Picoult doesn't shy away from difficult topics, but this book about a school shooting is definitely hard to read at times.

2. White chocolate - your favorite light-hearted or humorous read

This was a fun and funny story and it definitely had some relevant lessons on how we let social media rule our lives!

3. Milk chocolate - a book that has a lot of hype that you're dying to read

I'm pretty sure I'm the last person on Earth to read this book!  I really need to get to it soon!

4. Chocolate with a caramel center - a book that made you feel all gooey in the middle while you were reading it

This book makes me melt into a puddle of tears every time I read it.  The relationships between the Bommarito siblings are complicated yet loving, and Henry himself will just steal your heart.

5. Wafer free Kit Kat - name a book that has surprised you lately

Unfortunately, I didn't love this one as much as I thought I would!

6. Snickers - a book you're going nuts about

I've been obsessed with this book since I read it earlier this year, and I'm recommending it to everyone I know!

7. Hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows - a book you would turn to for a comfort read

I love this non-traditional love story, but my favorite character is the main character Joyce's dad.  He is funny and sweet and lovable and wise - I just feel happy when I read this book.

8. Box of chocolates - what series have you read that you feel has a wide variety and something for everyone?

Ok, this is a bit of a cop-out, but Harry Potter really does have something for everyone!  I read it as an adult, and I enjoyed just as much as kids do!

I'd love to read your answers, too, so consider yourself tagged if you want to participate!


  1. You are not the last person to read A Darker Shade of Magic . I want to read it too but haven't gotten to it yet. I need to look up Thanks for the Memories. Dark Matter was awesome. Fun tag!!

    1. That makes me feel better! It's on my TBR, I swear! I can't recommend Dark Matter enough, I loved it so much!

  2. Count me in as having not read A darker shade either. And IA entirely with My so Called Perfect Life as white chocolate! That book was FUN!

    1. Haha, I guess there are more of us out there than I realized!

      I know, I want to go glamping so bad now!

  3. Haha! This tag is awesome. I love chocolate. You do need to read the Shades of Magic series. They’re a lot of fun.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I know, I know! Hopefully I'll get to it soon!

  4. The Sophie Kinsella book was so good, and yeah, Harry Potter is just amazing!

  5. I haven't read a Schwab book yet, so don't feel bad. :)

    And same here w/ Dark Matter- it was awesome!

    1. I feel better now!

      Oh, I know, I recommend it everyone!

  6. Oooh! I have to do this one too! :) Thanks Uma!

    Some great books on this list (I too have yet to read Shades of Magic!!!). I'm sad you didn't like Hunted. I'm dying to read that one!

    This is such a great tag and I'm looking forward to putting mine together. :)

    1. I can't wait to read your answers! I hope you like Hunted!


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!