
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"Waiting on" Wednesday: Standard Deviation

"Waiting on" Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine and spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Standard Deviation
Katherine Heiny
Expected publication date: June 1, 2017
Graham Cavanaugh’s second wife, Audra, is everything his first wife was not. She considers herself privileged to live in the age of the hair towel, talks non-stop through her epidural, labour and delivery, invites the doorman to move in and the eccentric members of their son’s Origami Club to Thanksgiving. She is charming and spontaneous and fun but life with her can be exhausting.

In the midst of the day-to-day difficulties and delights of marriage and raising a child with Asperger’s, his first wife, Elspeth, reenters Graham’s life. Former spouses are hard to categorize – are they friends, enemies, old flames, or just people who know you really, really well? Graham starts to wonder: How can anyone love two such different women? Did he make the right choice? Is there a right choice? - from Goodreads


  1. This sounds interesting and is new to me! Great pick!

  2. Oh, this one is going to hurt isn't it?? Great pick!

    1. Yeah, probably :-( Never a good idea if your husband is questioning whether he should have stayed with his ex!

  3. I haven't heard of this one but it sounds interesting! And I agree with Verushka that this one will definitely hurt. Awesome pick! Happy reading!

  4. This sounds really interesting! I hope you love it when you get to read it :) And the cover is also awesome!
    Here's my WoW

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

    1. Yeah, that cover is definitely interesting!

  5. Oh oh that sounds like bad news. :) But fun to read about probably!

  6. Its not my kind of read but sounds interesting! Hope you enjoy reading it!
    Here's my WoW

  7. Yeah, I'm interested to see how that plays into the story.


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