
Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday: Mums of the Harry Potter Universe

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  This week's topic is a Mother's Day freebie, so I wanted to do something a little different and talk about mothers and mother figures featured in the Harry Potter books!

Lily Potter
Lily loved her son Harry so much that she made the ultimate sacrifice for him, and her death saved Harry and allowed him to defeat Voldemort so many years later.

Molly Weasley
Who wouldn't want Molly Weasley as a mother?  She's a great cook, knits a mean sweater, and she would do ANYTHING for her children.

Narcissa Malfoy
Her love for her son Draco redeems her.  She is so protective of him that she even betrayed Voldemort, saying that Harry was dead after being struck by the Killing Curse (even though he wasn't) and ensuring she would be reunited with her family.

Mrs. Granger
Even though we don't see a lot of Hermione's mother, I think she's very proud of her daughter and accepting of the new magical world Hermione has entered, even if it's a bit overwhelming for her.  I mean, Mrs. Granger really just wants Hermione to do well in school, even if that school teaches some unorthodox topics.

Petunia Dursley
Sure, she was a pretty (ok, extremely) crappy mother to Harry, but Petunia still took her nephew in and no one can deny that she was a loving mother to Dudley and spoiled him rotten.

Augusta Longbottom
She raised her grandson Neville after his parents were institutionalized.  Although she could be a bit scary and stern, I think Neville learned a lot from her and she was proud of the wizard he became.

Professor McGonagall
She never had children of her own, but I think part of Minerva McGonagall saw her students like her children, especially Harry, Ron, and Hermione.  Tough when she needed to be, she also went out of her way to help them and was loving and kind in her own way.  Plus, protecting the students of Hogwarts was a huge part of her story.

What are your favorite moments of motherhood from the Harry Potter books?


  1. I adore your list! There were so many good mothers or mother figures in HP. I love that you put Narcissa on your list. You could definitely see her love for Draco.

    1. Yeah, she may have aligned herself with the bad guys, but she still had some redeeming qualities!

  2. Love Molly <3 I agree about Professor McGonagall. I think she saw them all as her children. Great list!!

  3. Oh, I absolutely love this post! The Harry Potter universe definitely has so many amazing mothers or mother figures, who are each amazing in their own way!

    1. Yeah, it was easy to find so many great examples!

  4. Professor McGonagall is one of my favorite characters of the whole series, tough but loving!

    1. I know, she is awesome! The scenes in the last book where she's protecting Hogwarts get me every time!

    2. LOL I was going to write that I get the ugly cry every time I watch the last movie and she is getting the castle ready for the battle!

  5. I had quite a few of these ladies on my list this week as well, but I never thought of Mrs Granger, Augusta Longbottom or Professor McGonagall. You make great points for all three though, and they definitely deserve to be on this list too.

    1. Thanks! Mrs. Granger and Augusta Longbottom weren't really in the books that much, but I still wanted to mention them.

  6. I love that people are thinking of Narcissa when they think of good mom's. She had a lot more depth that we originally saw.

    1. Exactly! She's not a huge character, but JK Rowling gave her so many layers.

  7. I love this list! Harry Potter really did give us a lot of great mom examples.

    My TTT.

  8. What a fun post. My favorite mom is definitley Mrs. Weasley. Love this series can't wait to start reading it with my kids.

    1. Thank you! Mrs. Weasley is definitely pretty awesome! I'm sure my sister is looking forward to introducing her daughter Luna to her namesake in the books!

  9. Great list!
    My TTT:

  10. Who can't adore a list of mothers from Harry Potter! I love this list :D Mrs. Weasley has to be my favourite though!

    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday post

    1. Thank you! Molly is one of my favorites, too!

  11. I love that you included Professor McGonagall on this list. I've always loved her character so much and thought she would give her life in a heartbeat to keep those kids safe.

    1. She absolutely would! She is the definition of loyalty to Hogwarts and its students.

  12. Great list and interesting take on this weeks theme!
    My ttt

  13. I can't really comment intelligently since I've only read book one but Lily and Molly sound awesome, and McGonagall! Even I know she's great! :)

  14. Love, love, love this post! The Harry Potter series has such great mothers and I'm glad to see you made a post out of them. :) Molly, Lily, and Narcissa are definitely some of my favorite mother figures. And you make an interesting point about McGonagall that I completely agree with - she might not have any children of her own, but she takes all the students of Hogwarts under her wing and truly cares for them. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous post! <3

    ~ Zoe @ Stories on Stage

    1. Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun putting together this list!

  15. I LOVE this list! That's so awesome. And I love that you included McGonagall here - now I think about it I TOTALLY agree. Excellent post.

  16. Oh I love this take on the topic! I have to admit, I've never really thought about all the mothers and mother figures in HP. People tend to focus on Lily and Molly, but everything you said about all the others here is so true!

    1. Thanks! It was really fun revisiting all the characters.


I'm so glad you stopped by, and I would love to hear your thoughts! Comments are always greatly appreciated!