
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Month in Review: September 2024


September flew by!  After a short break, Henry's daycare reopened for the new school year.  I later went to "back to school" night and I got spend a lot of time with his teacher, seeing his classroom and getting good feedback on how he's doing.  Fantasy football has started up again; Team Outlaw is hanging out in the middle of the pack so far!  Henry started music classes this month.  I'd been looking for some outside activities for him to do and he has always enjoyed music, dancing, and "playing" instruments.  Luckily, I was able to find a local music class for him.  So far I think he is really enjoying it!  He is a little shy when he first gets there, but then he really gets into it.  I went to the office twice this month, for meetings and also to attend a bridal shower for one of my co-workers.  We ended the month with a weekend trip to the zoo.  The weather wasn't great, but it meant we had the place practically to ourselves!  We even got to ride the train twice (usually the line is so long that we just avoid it).  Henry got to feed the goats and pet the stingrays, so he was happy!

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The Posts and Reviews
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  1. Ohhhh how did you like What the River Knows? I've been meaning to read it for a while!

    1. I really liked it! I finally wrote my review, so it'll be up in a couple weeks, ha!

  2. Fun month! And lots of good reads!

  3. A House with Good Bones is one of my backup books for October. I hope you enjoyed it!

  4. What fun! I did Gymboree with my kid (is that still a thing?). I think there was Kinder Music too. What will it be for Henry? Recorder? Drums? Can't wait to hear all about it.

    1. I'm not sure about Gymboree? I think this is a local chapter of a bigger music program. Haha, no actual instruments yet! Just singing, dancing, and some free play with the instruments the teacher brings. Although, I do hope one day he wants to play an instrument!

  5. I can't believe September is over. I love that Henry joined a music class - so fun! I also hope you enjoyed Husbands & Lovers - really enjoyed that one! I also really liked The Rose Garden, too!

    1. They were both great reads for me - The Rose Garden was actually a reread!

  6. I hope Henry has tons of fun at music class! Happy October.

  7. Sounds like you had a great month! I do love going to the zoo when the weather's a bit less, I love the atmosphere when there's not too many people around :) Hope you'll have a great October!

    1. Yes! Our zoo is always SO crowded, so it was a bit weird (but nice)!


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